Family boost

I'm sure we’ve all heard of the term “family values”, no doubt an elusive concept that means different things to each of us. In many ways, it could be considered a buzzword, often trotted out by politicians and religious figures to garner support for their cause.
However, I’m going to define “family values” in a far more practical way, as in every family’s ability to function effectively. This is important because family is the cornerstone of all of our lives, the bedrock upon which we build a happy and healthy society.
I was brought up by my grandparents in a working-class neighborhood in a small town in England. My grandparents sacrificed everything to raise my brother and me. They lived a frugal life, but they were determined that we would have the best life possible.
I remember walking home from school and being filled with dread, wondering what my grandparents would have for our dinner. Their weekly food budget was £15 (approximately $19) which had to feed all three of us for a week.
More often than not, it was meat and potatoes. This was before the days of food banks, so if you ran out of money before the end of the week, that was it. At least we had a roof over our heads. There were families in the neighborhood who lived in caravans (a.k.a. mobile homes) and they suffered far more than we did.
I was an introverted child and always happiest by myself, reading or drawing. One of my favorite local haunts was the library. I would spend hours engrossed in a fascinating book, oblivious to the world around me.
The librarian would look after me, often saving books that I would like and even ordering special ones in for me. I will never forget her kindness to this shy, awkward child.
One day, the library announced that it was having a Christmas party for underprivileged children in the town. I wasn’t really interested at first, but my grandparents insisted that I go, so I did.
I was surprised to find how much I was enjoying the party. There were games, food, and Santa Claus was even there to give out presents. I had never seen so many toys in all my life. As I was leaving, I saw a huge pile of wrapped presents in the corner.
The librarian, bless her heart, beckoned me over and explained that these presents were for children who didn’t have anyone to buy them anything for Christmas. She asked me if I would like to take one home.
I almost couldn’t speak. I nodded and picked up a small, brightly wrapped present. As I was walking home, I wondered what would be inside. When I opened it, I was met with the biggest, most beautiful teddy bear. He was brown with a big red bow around his neck. I’d never had a teddy bear before. I called him Buddy and he became my most cherished possession.
A few weeks later, my grandparents told me that the local church was having a Christmas dinner for families who couldn’t afford one. I remember being so embarrassed when we arrived at the church. There were so many people there, many of whom I knew.
But the volunteers were so welcoming and made us feel at ease. We had a delicious meal with all the trimmings. Nothing was too much trouble. I was also given a Christmas stocking filled with sweets and small toys.
My family wasn’t the only one who benefited from the generosity of the community. My grandparents helped out at the local soup kitchen and my brother and I volunteered at the local animal shelter. We were taught that we should always repay kindness by doing something for others.
I’m so grateful to the people in my community who helped my family through a difficult time. I know that I wouldn’t be where I am today without their support. I’m determined to give back to my community in any way that I can.
I believe that we all have a responsibility to help those less fortunate than ourselves. We all have something to give, whether it’s our time, money, or resources. A little bit can make a big difference to someone who is struggling.