Famous Galactogogues That’ll Boost Your Breast Milk

Breastfeeding is the best way to develop a mother-baby bond, where the mother feeds his/her infant with love, care and the baby considers the laps of mother, the safest and coziest place ever. Sometimes mothers can't produce enough milk and suffer from the issue of low milk supply, which makes them feel guilty and they mostly blame themselves for that as they couldn’t satisfy the hunger of their infants satisfactorily.

For your convenience , there are many galactogogues, best lactation cookies and other lactation treats available, which can be a life saver for your problem. These treats are effective and start working within 24 to 72 hours, boosting the milk supply sufficiently. They aren’t harmful if given in moderation and given with your lactation consultants approval. However, it is urged that women should consume a proper balanced diet, with the right amount of hydration, along with proper rest and sleep, all will resolve the problem of how to increase milk supply in nursing mothers. So let’s start with what foods and herbs to eat for this purpose.

1-      Fenugreek

This Indian native herb is a very famous galactogogue, containing phytoestrogens which work on the milk making hormones to increase milk production. You can use them as tea by boiling the seeds in water and drinking it two to three times a day. Also, they come in powder form, ask your consultant about its dosage and possible reactions too. By using it regularly, the sweat and pee of mother and baby smells like maple syrup and sometimes the baby has some gas issues too. However, just avoid it in pregnancy, it's only used as post pregnancy support food.

2-      Fennel plant and seeds

Fennel is a Mediterranean plant, which is an extremely beneficial vegetable too, as all its parts are edible and full of use. This plant and its seeds have plant estrogens, which enhance milk supply of lactating mothers as well as increase milk volume and its fat content, resulting in healthy weight gain in babies. Fennels also help in treating digestive issues, gas and bloating too. You can use them in teas, sprinkle its seeds on salads or use it as a vegetable too.

3-      Oats

Oats are best known as lactogenic foods that support lactation hormones, improving your flow and milk supply, both. They’re rich in iron, beta-glucan, healthy carbohydrates and are a good source of fibers which are healthy for mother and baby too. It gives the energy and required nutrients to maintain good health and quality milk to the baby. You can make best lactation cookies from oats, or consume old-fashioned oatmeal porridge, or make an instant smoothie and lattes from it.

4-      Brewer’s yeast

It’s an inactive fungus that’s rich in iron, B-complex, vitamins, protein, selenium, amino acids and other trace minerals too. All these vital nutrients boost your milk supply immensely. Brewer’s yeast also helps mothers to deal with their baby blues, helps overcome postpartum depression, gives energy, uplift their moods and maintain blood sugar levels too. It tastes bitter, but is used in very small amounts, in the form of tablets and powder. They’re mostly found in baked lactation treats, bars and cookies.

5-      Blessed thistle

 This herb has a long history in medicine, also aid in inhibiting milk supply. It works on the oxytocin and prolactin levels of women, both are female hormones which make milk and are responsible for its let down. You may also hear its name as holy thistle as well. It’s a popular ingredient mostly present in nursing supplements and teas to produce more milk, just be cautious that you don't exceed the recommended dose, as it can cause indigestion.

6-      Lactation treats

Many mothers deal with the problem of low milk supply and want to boost their milk production very quickly. Here is some good news; there’re many lactation boosting snacks and treats available like breast milk cookies, emergency brownies, smoothies and lattes. They’re made from a combination of many effective galactogogues and nutrition rich foods to support mother’s health and quality of milk. Have them 1 to 2 times per day as a snack or enjoy it with a cup of coffee and see the results. It includes vitamin A and E, B1, B2, B6, calcium, iron, zinc, magnesium and protein too. They naturally increase milk supply in feeding mothers and are healthy for the development of babies through breast milk.

7-      Almonds and walnuts

Both of these nuts are considered as extremely healthy superfoods packed with essential nutrients, that is omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin A, antioxidants, which fights with free radicals present in both mother and baby. Almonds are especially loaded with amino acids which form the building blocks of serotonin, which is a neurotransmitter that looks after milk production. Walnuts are rich in antioxidants that fight with free radicals in both mother and baby. The simplest way is to have a handful daily, great as a snack.


A strong mother can look after and bring up a healthy, well built baby who is active and energetic. You may need some support from foods to stimulate your milk supply, loaded with nutrients, vitamins and minerals. Try them and you’ll see the results soon.