Famous Eriksen’s Gre

Famous Eriksen’s Great Luck

Steffen Eriksen, the great Danish futbol player had a cardiac arrest on the pitch last year - and survived. His football mates gave him first aid, and a medic used a defibrillator and CPR.

He was really lucky because there was a defibrillator on the pitch. And he was even luckier that he got a cardiac arrest on the football field instead of at home!

Because, as it happens, only 4% of cardiac arrest victims survive when they happen at home, and no defibrillator is present.

And now Eriksen is back on the pitch, playing his heart out.

So, the big question is, how can you improve your chances of surviving a cardiac arrest?

The answer is simple: get a defibrillator and learn CPR.

If you have a defibrillator at home, you can shock your heart back into rhythm if you go into cardiac arrest. And if you know CPR, you can keep the blood flowing to your brain until the defibrillator arrives.

You could also try to improve your chances as Eriksen did – playing futbol!

I asked a doctor, and he said that exercise, in general, is good for your heart. And so is a healthy lifestyle, which includes eating a healthy diet and avoiding things like alcohol and tobacco.

From the doctor’s perspective, he said it must have been a very traumatizing experience for Eriksen and his beloved ones. Eriksen was very lucky that he survived.