Peer review short story


Jerralyn Satrio:

story structure: 4 - establishes plot/setting/character/pt. of view

Characterization: 3 - some character development (have to be more specific on how they look)

Ideas: 4 - Develops ideas clearly; relevant details

Designing Organization: 4 - maintains a clear focus

Specififc Assignments Directions: 4 - Meets all requirements for this assignment (meet-cute requirement)

Description: 3 - Have to be more specific on how the situation is and the characterization

Word Choice: 4 - Effective word choice

Sentance Variety: 4 - good sentence structure

Voice/Sense of Audience: 4 - evident awareness of choice and audience

Grammar/ Punctuation: 4 - Mostly correct grammar

Spelling and Word usage: 4 - Mostly correct spelling and word usage

Overall assignment presenation: 5 - follow MLA style perfectly

Total Score: 47

Best aspect : I like the story stucture how it flows. And I can really feel the meet-cute situation in the whole story.

further revision: elaborate more on how the characters looks and their emotions and feelings. 


Chefanya Johanes:

Story Structure: 3 - Little blending of dialogue and narration

Characterization: 3 - lack of character development

Ideas: 4 - develop ideas clearly

Designing Organization : 3 - does not always maintain appropriate focus

Specific Assingment requirements: 3 - meet some requirements but not all

Description: 3 - some use of concrete language

Word choice: 3 - some effective word choices

Sentence Variety: 3 - occasional use of sentence variety

Voice/ sense of audience: 3 - some awareness of voice and audience

Grammar/ Punctuation: 4 - mostly correct grammar

Spelling: 4 - mostly correct spelling

Overall assignment presentation: 2 - incomplete heading, no title.

Total score: 38

Best aspect : I like how the story flows

Further revision : elaborate more on the characters and more dialogue needed