How Easy Do You Get Banned For Buying Gold WoW In Patch 4.3 ?



How easy do you get banend for buying gold wow in patch 4.3? This is probably the hottest topic in the WoW community today. This question needs to be addressed properly because the precious WOW account is at stake. One wrong assumption and it can mean suspension or much worse lifetime banning of once account. So to help you out in this crucial matter, will discuss with you some important facts on whether you can truly get banned in purchasing WoW gold.

There is no such thing as buying wow gold with 100% safety, however, you can get away with it without being banned, but that's just luck Blizzard can track the gold, so if it goes like farmer - mule - you, they can still see who got it in the end.

Blizzard fraud employees can check your character's transactions, mails, trades and purchases, and if your account is flagged they will continue to monitor the chain to enable mass-banning at set times. 

The chances, however, are pretty slim or it's not easy to get banned for buying gold wow in patch 4.3 if you keep it safe you can truly enjoy buying WOW gold without getting hammered by blizzard. You can do some personal research of your own or ask friends who have experience in buying wow gold on the best practices to buying world of warcraft gold without getting caught. So while the chances are not too high if you get caught you do lose anything. It's your risk to take, but most sensible people would advise to stay away from it.

To give players who are planning to buy WoW gold a breath of air, there is still a chance that blizzard will not find out that you are buying gold. Blizzard does not have the capability to check each single player among millions to try and find out if there has been a violation of TOS and most of blizzards efforts are directed on the sellers who make the profit out of their virtual property so if you keep things safe and buy gold wow from reliable stores you can really enjoy buying gold without facing the wrath of Blizzard.

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