Feliz Navidad: A Festive Celebration in Brazil

Feliz Navidad, or Merry Christmas, is a well-known phrase used to greet and celebrate Christmas in many Spanish-speaking countries. Although Brazil is not a Spanish-speaking nation, the phrase has gained popularity and is widely recognized and used during the holiday season. In this article, we will explore the significance of Feliz Navidad in Brazil and how it is celebrated in this vibrant and diverse country.

Feliz Navidad Traditions in Brazil

Brazil, a predominantly Portuguese-speaking country, has a unique way of celebrating Christmas. While the phrase Feliz Navidad originates from Spanish-speaking countries, it has become a part of the Brazilian Christmas vocabulary due to its catchy and joyful nature. Brazilians have embraced this phrase and incorporated it into their own Christmas traditions.

One of the key traditions associated with Feliz Navidad in Brazil is the exchange of gifts. Just like in many other countries around the world, Brazilians exchange presents with their loved ones during the holiday season. It is common for families and friends to gather on Christmas Eve to exchange gifts and enjoy a festive meal together.

In addition to gift-giving, another important aspect of Christmas in Brazil is the Nativity scene. Known as "Presépio" in Portuguese, the Nativity scene is a representation of the birth of Jesus Christ. It typically includes figurines of Mary, Joseph, baby Jesus, the Three Wise Men, and various animals. Many Brazilian households set up a Nativity scene as part of their Christmas decorations, adding a religious touch to the festive spirit.

One popular Christmas tradition in Brazil is the celebration of Midnight Mass, also known as "Missa do Galo." This Catholic tradition involves attending a special Mass that begins at midnight on Christmas Eve, symbolizing the arrival of Jesus. Many Brazilians, regardless of their religious beliefs, participate in this tradition as a way to come together as a community and celebrate the holiday season.

Regional Variations of Feliz Navidad

Brazil is a vast country with diverse regional cultures and traditions. As a result, the way Feliz Navidad is celebrated can vary from one region to another. Let's explore some of the regional variations of this festive greeting:

  • North Region (Região Norte): In the Amazon region, Christmas celebrations often include indigenous influences. Traditional dances and music, such as the Boi-Bumbá, are performed during this time, adding a unique and vibrant touch to the festivities.
  • Northeast Region (Região Nordeste): In Northeast Brazil, the celebration of Christmas is often accompanied by vibrant street festivals known as "Festas Juninas." These festivals include traditional dances, music, and delicious regional food, making it an exciting and joyful time for the locals.
  • Central-West Region (Região Centro-Oeste): In the Central-West region, including states like Mato Grosso and Goiás, Christmas celebrations often feature folkloric dances and music that highlight the region's cowboy culture. The sound of viola, a traditional Brazilian guitar, can be heard during these festive gatherings.
  • Southeast Region (Região Sudeste): The Southeast region, where major cities like São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro are located, may have a more cosmopolitan approach to Christmas celebrations. Shopping centers and streets are beautifully decorated with lights and ornaments, and many people participate in cultural events, concerts, and parties during the holiday season.
  • South Region (Região Sul): In the southernmost states of Brazil, such as Paraná and Rio Grande do Sul, Christmas traditions often reflect the European heritage of the local population. German and Italian influences can be seen in the decorations, food, and customs associated with Feliz Navidad in this region.


Feliz Navidad has become a familiar phrase during the Christmas season in Brazil, despite the country's primary language being Portuguese. This festive greeting symbolizes the joy and warmth that Christmas brings to people's lives. Whether it is the exchange of gifts, setting up Nativity scenes, attending Midnight Mass, or participating in regional variations, Brazilians embrace the spirit of Feliz Navidad and celebrate this special time of the year with their own unique traditions and cultural influences.