Feofan Simke: The Boy Who Would Not Sleep

Feofan Simke was the most wide-eyed boy in the whole wide world. He never seemed to need to sleep, and every night his parents would have to fight to get him into bed. “Feofan, lay down,” they would say, and Feofan would oblige for a moment before sitting up again, eyes wide open and full of curiosity.
“But I’m not tired!” he would say, and his parents would sigh and give him a kiss on the forehead.
“It’s good to get a good night’s sleep,” they would say, but Feofan would just grin and shake his head.
“I don’t need it,” he would say, and he would close his eyes in mock sleep, his smile still shining through the darkness.
This worried his parents a great deal. They knew that sleep was important, and they worried that something was wrong with Feofan. They took him to the doctor, who examined him and told them that Feofan was perfectly healthy. “He’s just got a very vivid imagination,” the doctor said, and Feofan’s parents had to take his word for it.
As the years went by, Feofan’s love of life only grew. He would spend the daytime playing with his friends and exploring the forests near his home. He would read books by candlelight and learn about all the wonders of the world. And even when his parents would tell him to go to bed, he would still stay awake, his mind racing with thoughts and dreams.
One night, when Feofan was 12 years old, he was lying in his bed, unable to sleep. He looked out the window and saw that the moon was shining brightly in the night sky. “I wonder what it would be like to walk on the moon,” he thought, and before he knew it, he was out of bed and running outside.
Feofan ran through the forest and to the edge of the cliffs that overlooked the sea. He looked out at the moon, and it seemed so close that he felt like he could almost touch it. “I can do it,” he thought, and he took a deep breath and jumped.
Feofan floated through the air, and for a moment, he was weightless. He felt like he was flying, and he laughed with joy. But then he started to fall, and he realized that he had made a mistake. He had jumped too far, and now he was going to fall into the sea below. As he fell, he called out to his parents, but they were too far away to hear him. He closed his eyes and braced himself for the impact, but it never came.
Feofan opened his eyes and saw that he was floating in mid-air. He looked around and saw that the moon was right in front of him, and it was glowing with a warm light. Feofan reached out and touched the moon, and it felt like the softest thing he had ever felt.
“Hello,” Feofan said, and the moon smiled back at him. “I’m sorry,” Feofan said, “I didn’t mean to jump off the cliff. I just wanted to see what it would be like to walk on the moon.”
“It’s okay,” the moon said, “I’m glad you came. I’ve been waiting for you.”
“Waiting for me?” Feofan asked, “Why?”
“Because you’re the chosen one,” the moon said, “You’re the one who will save the world.”
“Save the world?” Feofan asked, “How?”
“You’ll know when the time is right,” the moon said, “But for now, you need to go back to your home. Your parents are worried about you.”
Feofan nodded and turned to leave, but before he went, he looked back at the moon. “Thank you,” he said, “For everything.”
“You’re welcome,” the moon said, “Now go, and save the world.”
Feofan floated back to the cliffs and ran home. He went to his parents and told them all about his adventure, and they were amazed. They knew that Feofan was special, and they were proud of him for what he had done.
Feofan went to bed that night and slept soundly. He knew that he had a great destiny ahead of him, and he was ready for anything.
The next day, Feofan woke up and told his parents that he wanted to go on an adventure. He wanted to see the world and learn all that he could. His parents were reluctant to let him go, but they knew that he was meant for great things. They gave him their blessing, and Feofan set off on his journey.
Feofan traveled far and wide, and he met many people along the way. He learned about different cultures and languages, and he saw all the wonders of the world. He also learned about himself, and he discovered that he had a gift for helping others.
One day, Feofan came to a village that was being terrorized by a giant monster. The people of the village were afraid, and they didn’t know what to do. Feofan stepped forward and offered to help. He fought the monster bravely, and in the end, he defeated it. The people of the village were grateful to Feofan, and they celebrated his victory.
Feofan continued his journey, and he helped many people along the way. He fought evil, healed the sick, and taught people about the importance of love and kindness. He became known as a great hero, and people from all over the world came to seek his help.
Feofan lived a long and happy life. He never forgot his adventure on the moon, and he always remembered the words that the moon had spoken to him. He knew that he was a chosen one, and he used his gifts to make the world a better place.
The end.