media journal

Syria unrest:aleppo bomb attack "kill 28"

At least 28 people have been killed and 235 wounded in two bombs targeting security compounds in Syria's second city of Aleppo, state media report.

State television said the death toll included both civilians and members of the security forces and blamed "armed terrorist gangs" for the attacks.

Within minutes, it broadcast footage showing corpses and mangled body parts.

The rebel Free Syrian Army said it was operating in the area at the time, but was not responsible for the blasts.

Col Malik al-Kurdi, the FSA's deputy leader, told BBC Arabic that it had been monitoring the activity of security forces personnel and members of the pro-government Shabiha militia inside a Military Intelligence compound and a riot police base in Aleppo on Friday morning.

"When they were gathering in a square to go to the mosques and repress demonstrations, two groups from the FSA targeted the two buildings with small arms and rocket-propelled grenade fire," he said.

What we got from this story is that people in Syria is very crazsy and that they dont trust their government.Syrian pople will do whatever it takes to get rid of its government and get a new one.