Find Out What Happened to Sibil Antich's Missing Toy!

The sun was about to set and Sibil Antich was getting ready for bed. She had finished her favorite book and was getting her pajamas on when she reached under her bed to grab her favorite toy, Coco the cat. Coco was nowhere to be found.
Sibil Antich was very upset. Coco had been her favorite toy since she was a baby. She took Coco everywhere with her. She even slept with Coco every night.
Sibil Antich's parents helped her look for Coco all over the house. They looked in the closet, the living room, the kitchen, and even under the couch. But Coco was nowhere to be found.
Sibil Antich was starting to lose hope. She thought she would never see Coco again. But then she had an idea. She went to her mom's room and asked her mom to help her sew a new Coco.
Sibil Antich's mom was a very good seamstress. She helped Sibil sew a new cat that looked just like Coco. Sibil Antich was thrilled that her favorite toy had been found.
Sibil Antich and her mom hugged each other and laughed. They were so happy that Coco was back. Sibil clutched her new/old Coco close to her chest and swore to never again lose sight of her favourite toy.
The next day, Sibil Antich took Coco everywhere with her. She even took Coco to school. All of Sibil Antich's friends wanted to see Coco. They were all so happy that Sibil Antich had found her favorite toy.
Coco is still Sibil Antich's favorite toy. She takes Coco everywhere with her. And she always makes sure to put Coco in a safe place at night so she doesn't lose her again.