So what exactly is a tote bag! It is a handheld bag spacious enough to carry almost as many items as you choose. Leather tote bags can bring a dash of style and quality to your everyday outing but this is not the only material choice before you. You can carry your beachwear, tools, books, and cosmetics among others inside without problems. So is there any specific use? No, it lends itself to use in different situations and it's up to you to make the choice. Different sizes and color options are available to the buyers, these are usually rugged, and heavy duty made of canvas, nylon, or similar sturdy materials.
These open bags are available in medium, large, or small sizes and come with attached straps or handles to middle top centre portion of each side. In most bags, you will find one large compartment without any other division. Still there can be exceptions as fashionable, elite versions may come with multiple compartments and attractive embellishments as well. Use of leather in parts or full makes it appear chic. Canvas totes are most commonly available in the market, as these are extremely durable and sturdy so you can use them to carry multiple items or during shopping ventures.
Nowadays, manufacturers treat the high-quality tote leather bags for women and other varieties to make them moisture or mold resistant and prolong their use. Nylon bags appear attractive and colorful and offer a sturdy design. However if you plan to be out in the sun for a long while with these, nylon may not be the best choice. People use them during grocery shopping and cheaper varieties are made with recycled fibers and even refined organic material. Cheap prices means you can replace them at will without making it felt in your monthly budget.
Another great use of totes is in promotional purposes as corporate houses use them to spread awareness regarding their brand by displaying company messages, logo, and colors on its body. Their use in various purposes not a new phenomenon and it seems as if these bags have been there forever. Even before such fashionable coinage came into being, historical records show use of totes design from animal skins. While we have come light years away from such crude materials, the basic purpose remains the same even today.
During the 50s, such bags became highly popular in the form of purses when women were looking more towards practicality than fashion. Naturally, production of sturdy yet simple bags reached its zenith during this time. It's completely an opposite spectrum to the sophisticated leather briefcases for men, tote bags appealed more due to their simplicity and functionality above everything else. The meaning of the word tote is ‘to carry’. Some uses on offer include as a workbag, laptop bag, evening, overnight, diaper, coupon, game, school, shopping, knitting, weekend, travel, beach, crafts, vanity, fashion accessory, or crafts bag.
About The Author
Sylvia Miles runs her own fashion retail company that offers a wide range of fashion products like leather bags, belts, wallets, briefcases and leather tote bags for men & women. She is also an avid writer and likes to share her views through her blogs and articles on various topics ranging from style and fashion, beauty, wellness, and travel.