Best Iv Therapy Solutions Tips You Will Read 

IV infusions hydrate you faster and more efficiently than water. Dehydration shows itself in many different forms. You could feel cold, dry, shaky, weak, hot, sleepy, dizzy, or have low blood pressure or heart rate. You might lose the ability to think clearly, feel tired or agitated, or become confused. If you don't get some water into you, you might become dehydrated or go into shock.


In addition to making it easy to get fluids into you, the fluid itself is good for you. It helps flush out harmful toxins from your body. When you get hydration in IV form, you don't have to get it directly into your bloodstream. The more fast-acting it is, the better. The IV Therapy form also might make the infusion safer, because you can do the procedure at home, instead of in the hospital.


How fast is the IV?


The typical IV drip rate is 30 minutes, though it can be as fast as three minutes, or it can be a bit slower.


Who should get an IV?


In general, you should get the IV if you're a patient who's going to be in the hospital for more than two days. You should ask the doctor or nurse for an IV if you have any pain, and you should get it if you don't feel well.


What if the IV isn't working?


Then you may have to stay in the hospital longer than you expected, because the IV has to be changed. You'll need a new one. You might have to be started on fluids intravenously again.


How soon after getting the IV do I start feeling better?


You should feel better in the next day or so, and the feeling may continue for a couple of weeks. If you have a fever, the IV will most likely make you feel worse.


How do I put the IV in?


If you've ever been put under general anesthesia, you know that they stick a needle in your arm. Just like that. That's not the way it usually works. Doctors put the needle into a small hollow tube that travels down through a vein in your arm. They press a button and the tube fills up with blood and the needle fills up with the substance you're getting. It's the same principle when you get an IV.


It's a little tricky, and it's not as easy as it looks. But if you're given the right instruction, it can be done with minimal pain and minimal scarring.


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Company Name: Fluid Revival

Address: 5404 Golden Canary Ln, Austin, TX 78723

Phone: (512)337-3561
