Jared Leto Instagram Account #IDEA



The Adventures of the Triad

You can capture your Triad necklace in his daily adventures, such as:

1. Jamming out with guys in the lab.

2. Making Vegan Pancakes without burning down the kitchen.

3. Hanging out with 'Uncle Terry' in studio and getting his own glamour shots done. Maybe wearing 'Uncle Terry's' glasses.

4. Riding his bike in the afternoon.

5. Going off to sleep/getting up in his bed.

6. Visiting an art show.

7. Swiping a few moments tweeting photos of himself to instagram with your Blackberry.

8. Taking a photo of himself in the mirror.

9. Hanging out with some Echelon signing autographs.

10. Enjoying a night out at a club/dining establishment.

11. Running from paparazzi.

12. Playing Wii or X-box.

13. Delete comments randomly from Notes from the Outernet.

14. Hanging out at the pool (have a diving board?)

15. Reading a book.

16. Eating some vegan burgers or popcorn.

17. Watching TV on the couch in slippers.

18. Wearing some other merch.

19. Writing some songs.

20. Holding a tissue for some 'alone time polishing'.

That's right it would be like your giving us another tour of the place, but only with the necklace in the shot with possible funny captions given by you. smiley