FOR CHINESE CITIZENS - SRILANKA  Sri Lankan Visa Online Application Center The simplest easiest trusted and reliable method of obtaining Sri Lanka Entry for Tourist or Business Visit - 斯里兰卡电子在线签证申请移民局


Address :

29 2nd Ring Rd East Section 5, Jinjiang District, Chengdu, Sichuan, China, 610022

Phone :

+86 90 6565 9236


[email protected]



Travel visa


如果您划前往斯里卡旅游、休、商或其他原因,您将需要签证才能入斯里卡。斯里大多数国家置了签证先决条件。去有一种前往斯里卡大使馆获得斯里签证传统方法,但种方法已经过时了。签证签证。要入斯里卡,所有游客都在抵达机场时或提前签证。我您在前往斯里卡之前5-7天申,以避免最后一刻的匆忙和恐慌。入斯里卡,大多数客人都希望子旅行授 ETA EVisa 入斯里卡的格。通斯里签证签证,您可以在斯里连续停留 30 天。您来此的目的可以多种多,可以参加日、光游、探亲访友,甚至可以行商考察、商务访问。要得此签证格,您应该拥有有效的照,并且确保您没有携任何被海关拒的物品。在探索斯里随身携您的身份。您应该有一个 ID 和一个在线付款方式,以取斯里卡在线电签证 2024 年和 2025 年前往斯里卡推荐的、得信的、可靠的方式。 In case that you are planning to heading out to Sri Lanka for the travel or recreation, business, or different reasons, you will require a visa to enter Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka has visa prerequisites set up for most countries. There was a traditional method of obtaining Sri Lankan Visa by going to the Embassy of Sri Lanka which has been rendered outdated. Enter Electronic Visa or E-Visa. To enter Sri Lanka, all visitors should get a visa either upon arrival at the airport or ahead of time. We recommend that you apply 5-7 days ahead of your trip to Sri Lanka to avoid last minute rush and panic. For the entry into Sri Lanka, most guests are expected to get an Electronic Travel Authority or ETA or EVisa to be qualified for entry to Sri Lanka.  With eVisa or Electronic Visa for Sri Lanka you can remain in Sri Lanka for as long as 30 days all at consecutive. You can come for many different purposes, and can partake in an festivals, sight seeing, visit your family or friends or even go for business undertakings and commercial visits.  To be qualified for this visa, you should have a valid passport, and you should ensure you're not carrying any things denied by customs. While investigating Srilanka , consistently keep your identification card handy. You should have an email id and an online method of payment for obtaining Online Electronic Visa for Sri Lanka, this is the recommended, trusted, reliable way to go to Sri Lanka now in 2024 and 2025.


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Owner Name:

Hetuwa Lashith  Perera