Bee's explanation - why adding or implanting probiotics may be harmful instead of beneficial

Bee's response to a member on Probiotic Enemas & the related Fecal Transplants



Hi Mary,

That blog on was written many years ago, long before I made discoveries about probiotics and antifungals.

Here's a quote from my article Why Probiotics Are Not Needed:

More Evidence Proves Probiotics Are Not Healthy :

Another major clue to problems with probiotics is in Dr. Weston A. Price's book Nutrition and Physical Degeneration. Dr. Price was a very precise researcher,
since he did careful testing of saliva from people's mouths (before and after providing healthy nutrition), took x–rays, counted cavities, etc. and he also
tested food samples from their diets for their nutrient content. On page 436 he writes:

"In this group, the saliva, before the treatment began, gained 1.5 per cent in inorganic phosphorus [found in meats and eggs}; whereas after treatment, the
saliva lost 13.9 percent of its inorganic phosphorus. [Note: In the previous paragraph he explains that phosphorus needed for teeth and bones "is higher" in
the saliva of people with cavities and poor health.]

The change in nutrition included an increase in the activator X (research at the Weston A. Price Foundation found activator X is vitamin K2, a fatty acid) and
vitamin A content as concentrated from a high-vitamin butter and a reduction in carbohydrates; also an increase in mineral-providing foods.

Before the change in nutrition, when the tooth decay was considered active, L. acidophilous averaged, for the group, 323,000 colonies per cubic centimeter of
saliva, and, after treatment, averaged 15,000." Note: L. stands for lactobacillus.

So it stands to reason that "if" good bacteria, like L. acidophilous, are so important for health than why do people who get proper nutrients like Dr. Price
provided, have less L. acidophilous?

Note: That means that we need to question the role "supposedly" friendly bacteria plays in the body, and how and why the body creates such bacteria.

Many references state that acidophilous is a lactic acid producing bacteria, which is what causes tooth decay, cavities, and mouth and gum diseases as Dr.
Price discovered.

Our bodies are constantly producing lactic acid during normal metabolism, which it makes from another form of acid, called pyruvic acid, in combination with a
number of enzymes. Under conditions of excess glucose and limited oxygen the body produces pyruvic acid, which is used, as noted above, to create lactic

Lactic acid producing bacteria, usually found in decomposing plants and lactic products, produce lactic acid as the major end–product of carbohydrate
fermentation. Acidification inhibits the growth of spoilage agents in foods.  Therefore, friendly bacteria create an acidic environment.

However in order for the small and large intestine to be healthy they must be alkaline, which is the reason they naturally produce baking soda, which is
alkaline, and also why bile is alkaline. Candida (yeast) can grow in either an alkaline or acidic environment so that's why people can have candida in their
mouth, in their stomach (which is acidic), in their intestines (which are alkaline), and also on their skin which is normally acidic.

The mouth produces enzymes that start digestion of carbs which can only work in an alkaline environment, so the mouth needs to be alkaline. When Dr. Price wrote
that L. acidophilus was drastically lowered in the mouth of a person who got proper nutrition makes perfect sense.

The literature is loaded with information that the small and large intestines "supposedly" have "good bacteria" which are healthy. If that were true then
those good bacteria would make the intestines acidic, which interfere with digestion instead of aiding digestion. Like the mouth, such "good bacteria" in
the intestines is a sign of poor health due to an excess of glucose (sugar), lack of oxygen and mostly because of indigestible carbs (plant foods) that
humans are not able to digest.

I hope that helps you understand why you wouldn't want to use probiotic or garlic enemas for any reason.

All the best, Bee

--- In [email protected], "mamason2k2k" wrote:
> Hi Bee, I have been reading about probiotic enemas and fecal transplants to help repopulate the colon with good bacteria.
> I have read your article on why probiotics are not needed b/c the body knows how to make its own and they would not reach the colon unless directly inserted
with an enema.
> I found a blog on where you were discussing the benefits of probiotic and garlic enemas. I'm not sure if this is old.
> Would a probiotic enema help the body reestablish its good flora?

Thanks, Mary