Frames California

Picking Your Frame

The picture frames california industry has exploded with molding options in the past 20 years. The number of choices have grown to include a variety of substrates (what it’s made from) to a wide range of sizes both in height and width along with a dizzying array of finishes.

Determining the best choice can be challenging and may seem overwhelming, but it’s really not! It all comes down to personal preference and whatever makes YOU happy.

Molding including matting can and should be complimentary of your artwork or photography, drawing you in and creating interest.

Uncle Art says………………. Relax and have fun!!!

Tips on Matting

Mats create additional interest and enhance your photography or artwork. When choosing mats, start with a few simple guidelines.

  • Mat widths typically start at about 2” and can grow from there.

  • It’s important to remember that colors and shades of mats should be chosen to compliment your photo or artwork.

Additionally, a great way to add a pop of color is by utilizing a bottom mat along with a top mat. In most cases, the top mat is typically a neutral color (white / cream) that doesn’t distract the viewer’s eye but helps to visually separate the image from its frame and background. The “POP” of color can be created by adding ¼” to 3/16” of color in the bottom mat.

Tips on Hanging Frames

Whether you have one thing to hang or 20…………..there’s always one question. “What’s the best way to do it?”

For starters, let’s utilize one simple rule…………….. the center of the image or artwork. Most galleries use a 57” rule, in other words, hang artwork by its center.

People shouldn’t strain themselves to view the artwork. By placing the center of the artwork at eye level, it ensures the artwork can be admired comfortably.