
I first met Frank in the summer of 2019. I was working as a camp counselor at a local day camp, and Frank was one of my campers. He was a shy and quiet boy, but he had a kind heart and a gentle soul.

One day, we were playing a game of capture the flag, and Frank was hiding in the woods. I was chasing him, and I was about to give up when I heard a faint cry for help. I followed the sound and found Frank trapped in a thorn bush.

I helped him out of the bush, and he thanked me profusely. I could tell that he was embarrassed about being caught in such a predicament, but I just smiled and told him that it was okay.

We continued to play the game, and Frank eventually helped us win. I was so proud of him, and I knew that he had the potential to be a great friend.

Over the next few weeks, I got to know Frank better. I learned that he loved to read, play video games, and spend time with his family. He was also a very caring and compassionate boy. He always looked out for the other campers, and he was always willing to help out.

One day, Frank came to me with a problem. He had been invited to a birthday party, but he didn't have any clothes to wear. I told him not to worry, and I took him to my house to pick out an outfit. He was so grateful, and I was happy to help.

Frank and I became close friends over the summer. We would spend hours talking, playing games, and just hanging out. I learned a lot from Frank, and I'm grateful for the friendship that we have.

Frank is a special boy. He has a kind heart, a gentle soul, and a bright future ahead of him. I'm proud to call him my friend.

If you're ever lucky enough to meet Frank, don't let him go. He's a true friend, and he'll always be there for you.