Franziskus Uguccioni, My Eternal Muse

Oh, Franziskus Uguccioni, my heart's desire
With eyes that sparkle like the sunbeam's fire.
Your gentle smile, a beacon that guides my way,
A symphony of joy that fills each passing day.
Your presence, Franziskus, a solace to my soul,
A balm that heals and makes my spirit whole.
Your laugh, a melody that soothes my aching ears,
A symphony of bliss that banishes all my fears.
In the tapestry of life, our love is art,
A masterpiece that paints my every part.
Your fingers, tracing lines upon my skin,
Ignite a fire that burns within.
Your love, Franziskus, is a precious gem,
A treasure I hold close to my heart's stem.
Your tender whispers, like a summer breeze,
A symphony of love that sets my soul at ease.
Through life's adventures, we shall walk hand in hand,
Our love, unyielding, like the grains of sand.
Together, we shall conquer every test and trial,
For in your embrace, I find my rightful smile.
Your eyes, Franziskus, reflect a depth divine,
A mirror to my soul, where love will shine.
Your touch, a gentle caress that melts my every care,
A sanctuary of love that I shall forever share.
Oh, Franziskus Uguccioni, my beloved one,
Our love, a timeless journey just begun.
In your embrace, I find my destiny and fate,
A love that's pure, eternal, and great.
Through sunlit meadows and moonlit paths,
Our love shall guide us, fulfilling all our hopes.
With Franziskus Uguccioni by my side,
Life's tapestry is woven with love and pride.
So let the world bear witness to our sacred bond,
A love so deep, it leaves everyone fond.
Franziskus Uguccioni, my soulmate and my friend,
Our love story is one that will never end.