The Financial Sector Conduct Authority (FSCA) is a regulatory body established in South Africa to oversee and regulate the financial sector. The FSCA's mission is to protect financial consumers, promote fair and orderly financial markets, and enhance financial stability. It does this by regulating financial institutions, including banks, insurers, and investment firms.

  • Enforcement of Laws and Regulations: The FSCA is responsible for enforcing the laws and regulations that govern the financial sector in South Africa. This includes taking action against financial institutions that violate these laws and regulations.
  • Consumer Protection: The FSCA plays a vital role in protecting financial consumers. It does this by providing information and resources to help consumers make informed financial decisions, investigating complaints against financial institutions, and taking action to address any misconduct.
  • Market Oversight: The FSCA oversees the financial markets in South Africa to ensure that they are fair and orderly. This includes monitoring market activity, investigating market manipulation, and taking action to address any irregularities.
  • Financial Stability: The FSCA works to promote financial stability in South Africa. It does this by monitoring the financial system, identifying risks, and taking action to address any potential threats.

The FSCA is committed to ensuring that the financial sector in South Africa is fair, transparent, and orderly. It plays a vital role in protecting financial consumers, promoting financial stability, and enhancing the integrity of the financial system.

If you have any questions or concerns about the financial sector in South Africa, you can contact the FSCA at 0800 110 443.