Gain a thorough understanding of full face restorative fat exchange

Lipostructure and lipofilling, also known as facial revival with the fat exchange, is a procedure that restores the patient's face's energy and volume by transferring excessive fat to a sizable area of the face. Find out all about Full face rejuvenation with fat transfer here.

Because it makes use of the patient's own fat tissue, this technique, known as autologous fat joining, is the most biocompatible dermal filler. Overall, this reduces the likelihood of any negative reactions. It restores the face's non-abrasiveness and stoutness while producing results that are ordinary and long-lasting.

During the procedure, a patient's fat is typically removed from the thighs, the abdomen, or any area where stubborn pockets of fat have accumulated and can't be eliminated no matter how much the patient exercises or maintains a healthy eating regimen. After being purged, the fat is subsequently infused into the perfect area of the face.

This method can not only make you seem younger at all times, but it can also get rid of scars.

This approach may be combined with other facial-restoration techniques, such as an eyelift or facelift, or it may be carried out independently.

What problems may full face reconstruction with fat exchange solve?
The face is the main area where aging-related changes manifest, hence this technique focuses on facial signs of aging. The muscles in the face may deteriorate, the size of the bones may shrink, or the skin layers may become thin.

Collagen is a binding protein that keeps skin appearing young but is produced less and less by aging bodies. A lack of collagen causes kinks, drooping, and loss of flexibility in the face.

What is the purpose of a fat transfer during full-face rejuvenation?
By improving tone and surface, this technique restores volume to the face and renews the skin.

Typically, this method concentrates on the adjacent facial areas:

The lips, doll and nasolabial lines, jawline, facial structure, cheeks, and wrinkles around the mouth.

The technique restores volume to the lips, cheeks, and other facial areas, giving the face a youthful, revitalized, and sturdy appearance.

More people can see the hollow cheeks. Temples and shrines that were previously empty now appear younger. The patient regains a wide-eyed appearance after undergoing a fat exchange beneath the brows, which also raises the upper eyelids and temples.

Patients with more experience can restore the lost fat tissue to treat the condition of the pointed jawline.