fumigation for export of fresh produce

fumigation for export of fresh produce

quarantine and Plant Protection Service
* purpose of fumigation:
- to kill insects that can harm plants
- to meet the requirements of the importing country
* fumigation methods:
- methyl bromide fumigation
- phosphine fumigation
- heat treatment
* fumigation notes:
- fumigation should be carried out by a qualified fumigator
- fumigation should be carried out in a well-ventilated area
- after fumigation, the product should be aired out for at least 24 hours before it is shipped

quarantine and Plant Protection Service
* purpose of inspection:
- to ensure that the product is free of pests and diseases
- to meet the requirements of the importing country
* inspection methods:
- visual inspection
- sampling and testing
* inspection notes:
- inspection should be carried out by a qualified inspector
- inspection should be carried out in a well-lit area
- after inspection, the product should be packed and shipped in a way that will prevent the entry of pests and diseases

quarantine and Plant Protection Service
phytosanitary certification
* purpose of phytosanitary certification:
- to certify that the product is free of pests and diseases
- to meet the requirements of the importing country
* phytosanitary certification methods:
- issuance of a phytosanitary certificate
* phytosanitary certification notes:
- phytosanitary certification should be requested by the exporter
- phytosanitary certification should be issued by a qualified inspector
- phytosanitary certification should be issued in accordance with the requirements of the importing country

quarantine and Plant Protection Service
export fumigation
* purpose of export fumigation:
- to kill insects that can harm plants
- to meet the requirements of the importing country
* export fumigation methods:
- methyl bromide fumigation
- phosphine fumigation
- heat treatment
* export fumigation notes:
- export fumigation should be carried out by a qualified fumigator
- export fumigation should be carried out in a well-ventilated area
- after export fumigation, the product should be aired out for at least 24 hours before it is shipped