fumigation to kill rats

fumigation, eradication of rats

rats are not only carriers of deadly germs and diseases, but they also cause significant damage to property. fumigation is an effective way to eliminate rats from your home or business.

how does fumigation work?

fumigation involves releasing a gas into a sealed space to kill rats and other pests. the gas is toxic to rats, but it is safe for humans and pets when used according to the directions.

what are the benefits of fumigation?

fumigation is an effective way to kill rats because it reaches all areas of a building, including those that are inaccessible to other methods of pest control. fumigation also kills rats that are resistant to other methods of control.

is fumigation safe?

fumigation is safe for humans and pets when used according to the directions. however, it is important to follow all of the safety precautions that are provided by the pest control company.

how do I prepare for fumigation?

before fumigation, you will need to remove all food, water, and pets from the building. you will also need to seal off all of the openings in the building, including windows, doors, and vents.

what happens during fumigation?

the pest control company will release the gas into the building and then seal it off. the gas will circulate throughout the building for a period of time, killing all of the rats.

what happens after fumigation?

after fumigation, the pest control company will ventilate the building and remove the gas. you will then be able to return to the building and resume your normal activities.

how much does fumigation cost?

the cost of fumigation will vary depending on the size of the building and the severity of the infestation. however, fumigation is a relatively affordable way to eliminate rats from your home or business.

if you are experiencing problems with rats, fumigation is an effective way to eliminate them. contact a pest control company today to learn more about fumigation and to schedule a service.