Letter to the Future

Tonya Pahari

ENGL 1102

23 January 2099

Dear citizens of 2020,

Have you ever considered how the world could potentially end up in the near future if, we as humans, don’t come up with a solution to the many environmental issues we are faced with today? Do you want your grandchildren and great grandchildren to live in a world full of pollution, trash, and scarce resources? I need your help to prevent the end of the world. You may be thinking that there isn’t much you can do because your just one person, but that is where you are wrong. If everyone did their part in 2020, the world wouldn’t have ended up the way it is today.

One of the major concerns I have is human-caused global warming. Back in 2020, the earth had become 1 Celsius hotter than it was back in the 1850s and 1900s. Nowadays, the earth is so hot that all the artic sea ice has melted, and coral bleaching has occurred causing coral reefs to become extinct. When coral reefs became extinct, it affected many ecosystems underwater and increased the impact of waves hitting the coast causing floods and environmental damage. When all the artic sea ice melted, the earth became insanely hotter and everyone is now dying from malnutrition and heat exhaustion. It is only a matter of time until the whole human race becomes extinct. Things might not seem as bad as they are now because a lot of the times, we cannot necessarily feel these problems occurring although, that doesn’t mean that they aren’t. I encourage you to tell all your friends and family the dangerous of global warming and how to prevent them. For example, you can start powering your home with renewable energy by choosing a utility company that gives most of its power from wind or solar. You can buy LED lightbulbs because they save 80 percent more energy than regular bulbs. Lastly, stop leaving plugs in the outlets of your home when you’re not using them.

There are many more environmental concerns; however, if you want to help the world become healthier, do not focus on what others are doing. If everyone thinks that way, then I promise you that you are not going to want to even be alive in 2099. Start by consuming less water you waste while taking a shower, minimize how often you use your car by using your bike when going to the store, or stop littering and pick up trash whenever you see it. The list goes on. There are numerous ways that we can help prevent the end; it just requires some effort from each and every one of us. Obtain this letter as if it were a second chance to give life and preserve it. There will not be another one. Remember it all starts with you.


Isabella Rocha