Project 1

Dear Future Survivors, 

I have no idea if the future will be bright and full of adventure as we explore the stars in search of a new home or if it will be even more prosperous if we are able to fix and heal our dying planet. There is even the possibility that we may not survive for very much longer with all the bad and disgusting things we humans are doing to our beloved planet. I must say that I am very much ashamed to be part of all of this because I am also contributing in little ways to the destruction of our planet. The pleasures we enjoy today in the year 2020 has consequences, which withers away our planet little by little. Now don’t get me wrong, there are millions of people that contribute to cleaning up and doing what that can to save us, like planting trees, picking up trash and getting rid of pollution from their area as best they can. I want to say that I am among these heroes, but I will not lie and say that I am. I don’t go out of my way to make sure everything is okay with my area and preaching to people that we must make a change. I’m a normal teenager and since when do people listen to kids. I wish that weren't true but starting today I will start doing little things like in my free time going outside with a garbage bag and gloves to pick up garbage that may be in my neighborhood. Little things like that can be the difference between our extinction and living to see the next blue sky. 

  To my fellow earthlings or Martians, I’m sorry that we were all too caught up in our own doings to do anything to help our earth. I’m sorry about the polluted oceans, flooding cities, and the unbreathable air. While we may have done all that in my generation and before, I still think there is hope for us yet. I am not dead yet, so that means I still have time to correct my environmental mistakes and make sure that you can breathe and still have dolphins to swim with. 

Now I don’t want to sound like a grumpy old man but our technology in this generation is definitely a bonus and good for a lot of things, but it does have its downfalls. A plus is that we can communicate and show the world what goes on day to day but… that’s it. We can only show what’s happening, that doesn’t mean people will jump out of their seats and make a difference right then and there. A whole lot of people just watch as spectators while our world wains and withers away. But in fact, they are not just spectators but contributors to the chaos because they are still polluting and wasting, but claim they have nothing to do with it. The only way these passive people will ever get up and do something is if the world is about to explode or they’re just now realizing that they’ve killed themselves by all their years of doing nothing.

The last thing I want to say is that nature is our life support system and without it, our lives on this earth would be impossible and unimaginable. We have to stop seeing the natural world as something to be exploited and taken for granted. Nature matters to me and it should matter to you. We need to put more value on our natural assets and stop destroying our precious planet. The world is truly dying and that is evident by hundreds of our wildlife species going endangered, global warming, mass forest fires, and many other things that will inevitably be the destruction of humankind and the world as we know it. 

I truly hope the future when I’m long gone is prosperous and ever-changing for the better on this planet. But I do hope that we are able to travel into space and explore much faster than we are now and can always call Earth “Home.” Take heed from my words and make sure you do your part in making sure this planet stays your home.

Sincerely, Safwan Al.