Hello FWISD Aspiring AP's!

As I’ve been going through our academy, I’m continually thinking how beneficial it would be to continue the conversations started in our sessions.  To that end, I’d like to try starting a twitter chat; however, it would be a “slow” chat, meaning the discussion questions would extend over a period of time rather than within a specific time slot.  I’m willing to put together the questions and post them but I would also like a co-moderator or two if some of you are already into twitter.  Let me know if you’d like to co-moderate and we’ll get coordinated.

If you’re unfamiliar with twitter, what better time than now?  Go to twitter.com and sign up, then search for @fr3dt3ch, my twitter handle, and follow me if you’re interested in joining the chat.

If you're interested, add you name and twitter name to this spreadsheet http://bit.ly/1V98RdB 

Here's how it works:

  • You follow and participate in the chat by searching for and using a hashtag.  We’ll use #FWAP2B (as in "FWISD Assistant Principal to be") It's not case-sensitive, it just looks better when capitalized.

  • Questions are designated with “Q1:”,”Q2:”, etc. and you answer with the corresponding question #, like  “A1:”, “A2:”

  • We’ll tweet (post) a question on a Monday with the hashtag #FWAP2B

  • During the week you would have the opportunity to respond; include the hastag #FWAP2B and use the "A_:" format to designate which question you are answering.  You can actually respond at any time, but it’s easier to review when the responses fall within the time frame of the chat.


Here’s an example of what a chat looks like:


Ready to go?

I'll start the conversation with introductions.  Look forward to chatting with you!

Fred Jahns

Participants and Twitter Names

Fred Jahns  fr3dt3ch
Ethel Keeton/Brown EthelKeeton
Kellie Dyer kdyer4thehealth
Ivy Haynes, Jr. doctorihjr
Gretchen Greer  
Mantequilla Green msggreen1
Helene Onomo  
Gwen Davis bizmatron
Shondrah Dillworth  
Olga Bernal olgabernal720