Colloidal Silver Pneumonia Treatment

In this day and age, the internet is abuzz with lots of information on which are the best health supplements for humans. Pharmacies and other online stores are stocking different medication alternatives and aggressively advertising these drugs. There are a lot of conflicting statements that of these are best as a therapy. In this piece of writing, the attention will be the medical benefits of colloidal silver as a treatment supplement.
In the year 1996, two scientists Richard Davis and Samuel Etris working at the Silver Institute released a report noting that the silver ions were good in treating ailments. These ions could react with sulfhydryl group -associated with bacteria and virus growth - and oxygen. These mineral ion when reacting they would attach to the cell membrane and hence block respiration.
More research on the same discovered that these metals enter a bacteria DNA and inhibit its unwinding. When the cell DNA is not able to unwind, it prevents replication and respiration. The process then brings great medical value to a person that is using the medication. The study then proved that using the colloidal ions would go a long way in treating particular diseases.
One of the important uses is being antibacterial. It is known to kill antibiotic-resistant superbugs. In UCLA media school in the 80s, Larry Ford discovered that over 500 different species of disease-causing pathogens could be killed using a little amount of silver in minutes. This discovery was a great success in the world of medicine. It is because earlier millions of people had died from illnesses that are resistant to antibiotics. It was also discovered that these pathogens could not form immunity and resistance to the mineral ion.
Robert O. Becker also discovered that the ion stimulates healing of soft tissues and skin infections. In 2012 a research by Pharmacognosy communications found that the ion was helpful in treating thrust, burns, and other conditions. The mineral is also useful in treating ringworms. It is because ringworms are caused by a fungus that lives on the skin. It also soothes scrapes and benefits in treating skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis.
There is a condition known as pink eye, which is an infection that covers the eyelid lining and eyeball with an inflamed mucous membrane. The ion can be used to reduce irritation by destroying the infectious bacteria and virus causing the pick eye. When the ion is applied to the infected areas, it picks up the cells electromagnetically and sends the cells to the bloodstream where they are eliminated.
The importance of using the pure silver over the modern antibiotics and antifungal is that it is effective regardless of the whether it is a bacterial infection or a fungal infection.Being a natural antiviral, the ion can be used to suffocate viruses and reduces their activity fast. It, therefore, acts as an effective solution for hepatitis and HIV activity.
In conclusion, there are many health benefits of using this colloidal mineral ion. Just like the other medications, you need to ensure that you follow the prescription well and stick to the dosage because that is the only way you will realize the full health benefits.
If you are shopping for high quality colloidal silver dosage products online, come to Gold2Live. Come see how our supplements offer effective immune system support, when you visit us online now at