Game 2 State of Origin 2024

A moment of sports history was made last night as the Maroons
won their fifth straight State of Origin series with a 22-12
victory over the Blues. Queensland narrowly lost the first game in
Sydney putting the pressure on them in the hopes of keeping the
shield in their home state.

The Blues started strong, scoring first off a penalty goal by
Nathan Cleary. But it was Queensland who took control of the
game from the 15th minute when Kalyn Ponga produced a
length-of-the-field try. The Maroons then pushed their lead to 12-
2 when Dane Gagai scored with 10 minutes remaining in the
half. Just as the half-time siren sounded, Jarome Luai went
over for the Blues' sole try, bringing the score to 12-6 at the break.

In the second half, Valyn Holmes gave Queensland an even
greater advantage with a penalty goal in the 49th minute. Just five
minutes later, Cameron Munster pushed the lead even further
after scoring from a grubber kick.

The Blues had their chances to get back in the game but failed to
capitalise. In the 65th minute, Stephen Crichton dropped the
ball over the try line and then Liam Martin did the same,
costing the Blues valuable points.

With just 7 minutes to go in the game, Nathan Cleary scored a
consolation try for the Blues, leaving them trailing by just 10
points. But the Maroons held on tight and claimed the victory,
securing another series win.

While the Blues were unlucky not to win the first game and lost
some key players to injury, the Maroons deserved their victory.
They were the better team on the day and showed incredible
skill, passion, and heart. The Blues will surely be back next year
to try and reclaim the shield but for now, it's the Maroons who
can celebrate this historic win.