Gardiner Closure: The City's Breath Gets Hitched!

Breathe in, breathe out…and hold your breath Toronto! The city's beloved Gardiner Expressway is about to take a break, leaving commuters and weekend warriors alike holding their breath for 35 long hours.

Starting 11 p.m. Friday, September 20th, the Gardiner will go into hibernation until 10 a.m. on Sunday, September 22nd. The reason for this extended slumber? A much-needed maintenance and cleaning session.

For those who rely on the Gardiner as their daily lifeline, this closure might feel like a cold shower on a Monday morning. But hey, who doesn't need a little shake-up every now and then? It's like the city's arteries getting a much-needed unclogging. Plus, with traffic being as predictable as a toddler's naptime, it's the perfect excuse to try out that alternative route you've been meaning to.

But wait, there's more! This closure coincides with the city's annual Doors Open Toronto event, where hidden architectural gems throw open their doors to the public. It's like a treasure hunt for history buffs and architecture enthusiasts. Just remember, with the Gardiner out of action, getting to these gems might require a bit more legwork (or pedal power!).

So, what's a Torontonian to do during the Gardiner's hiatus? Fret not, fellow commuters! The city has rolled out extra TTC service, including extended hours on the subway and extra buses to keep us moving. And for those who want to embrace the #YOLO spirit, there's always the option of walking, biking, or even trying out those new electric scooters.

For some, the Gardiner closure might feel like a minor inconvenience. But for others, it's a chance to rediscover their city on foot or two wheels. It's a reminder that even in the heart of a bustling metropolis, there's always room for a breath of fresh air…and a little bit of adventure.