Gardiner Expressway: The Not-So-Express Way

Is it a highway? Is it a parking lot? Only the brave will find out! The Gardiner Expressway in Toronto, Ontario, has gained a notoriety as the road with the most stopped traffic in all of Canada. This notoriety is well deserved as the Gardiner's stop-and-go traffic will turn a relaxing 15-minute drive into an hour-long trek that will test the patience of even the calmest driver.

The Gardiner Expressway was built in the 1950s and 1960s as a way to relieve traffic congestion in downtown Toronto. However, the expressway has become a victim of its own success. The number of cars on the road has increased dramatically, and the Gardiner can no longer handle the traffic volume. This makes for a perfect blend of impatient, frustrated drivers stuck in traffic, all eager to honk their horns at each other.

There have been many attempts to improve the situation on the Gardiner Expressway. The city has added lanes, installed new traffic lights, and implemented congestion pricing. However, nothing seems to work. The Gardiner remains one of the most congested roads in Canada.

The Gardiner Expressway is a symbol of the problems that face many of our cities. As our population grows, so does the number of cars on the road. This is putting a strain on our infrastructure, and we are struggling to keep up. The future of the Gardiner Expressway is uncertain. The city is considering tearing down the expressway and replacing it with a new road. However, this would be a costly and disruptive project. For now, we are stuck with the Gardiner Expressway, the not-so-express way.