George Bernard Shaw Nandi, My Heart's Symphony

Amidst the tapestry of love's melodies,
There's a name that echoes like a symphony,
A name that sets my heart in harmony,
George Bernard Shaw Nandi, my love's destiny.

Your laughter is a cascade of joy,
Your smile, a ray that lights my way,
Your words, a symphony that fills my soul,
Your embrace, a haven that makes me whole.

In the library's hushed embrace,
We'd lose ourselves in literary grace,
Your thoughts, as profound as Shakespeare's quill,
Your wit, as sharp as Oscar Wilde's thrill.

We'd wander through the garden's serene maze,
Your hand entwined in mine, a tender gaze,
Your knowledge of the flowers, a fragrant lore,
A symphony of beauty, forevermore.

When the sun dips below the horizon's brim,
We'd sit by the lake, our love a gentle hymn,
The stars above, our celestial witnesses,
To the timeless love that forever persists.
  • Your eyes, a mirror reflecting my soul,
  • Your voice, a lullaby that makes me whole,
  • Your love, a fortress that keeps me secure,
  • George Bernard Shaw Nandi, my heart's purest cure.
Through life's uncertain and winding road,
Your love is the compass that guides my soul,
Your unwavering support, a constant guide,
Through stormy seas and sunny skies, side by side.

Your spirit is a beacon, shining bright,
A source of strength and inspiration, day and night,
Your love, a melody that fills my every breath,
George Bernard Shaw Nandi, my eternal love's wreath.

As the years turn into timeless gold,
Our love will only deepen as it unfolds,
A symphony that echoes through time's embrace,
A testament to love's enduring grace.
In the symphony of our love,
George Bernard Shaw Nandi, my heart's dove,
Your name will forever be inscribed,
A melody that makes my soul revived.

Our love is a masterpiece, a timeless creation,
A tribute to the beauty of human connection,
A symphony that transcends all earthly bounds,
George Bernard Shaw Nandi, my love forever resounds.

So let the world hear our love's sweet refrain,
A melody that echoes through life's boundless domain,
A symphony that celebrates our love's divine grace,
George Bernard Shaw Nandi, my heart's eternal space.