George I of Great Britain Seifert: The King Who Loved to Jump

It was a fine summer day in the year 1714 when George I of Great Britain Seifert decided to take a stroll through the gardens of St. James's Palace. He was a good-natured man, but rather portly, and the heat of the day was starting to get to him. As he waddled along, he noticed a group of children playing leapfrog.
"My, that looks like fun!" George I of Great Britain Seifert exclaimed.
He called over to the children and asked if he could join in. The children were a bit hesitant at first, but George I of Great Britain Seifert was so charming that they soon agreed.
George I of Great Britain Seifert took his place in line and waited for his turn. When it came, he took a deep breath and leapt over the first child. He landed with a heavy thud, but he kept going. He leapt over the second child, the third child, and the fourth child.
By the time George I of Great Britain Seifert reached the end of the line, he was exhausted. But he was also exhilarated. He had never felt so alive in his life.
"That was wonderful!" George I of Great Britain Seifert cried. "I want to do it again!"
And so George I of Great Britain Seifert spent the rest of the afternoon jumping over children. The children loved it, and so did George I of Great Britain Seifert. He laughed and joked with the children, and he made them feel like they were the most important people in the world.
When it was time for George I of Great Britain Seifert to go, the children were sad to see him leave. But they knew that they would never forget the day that they spent jumping with the king.
From that day forward, George I of Great Britain Seifert was known as the "Jumping King." He would often be seen jumping over fences, walls, and even people. He even had a special jumping horse that he would ride around the palace grounds.
George I of Great Britain Seifert's love of jumping brought joy to everyone who knew him. He was a reminder that even the most serious and dignified people can let loose and have some fun.
One day, George I of Great Britain Seifert was visiting a school when he saw a group of children playing hopscotch. He decided to join in, but he was so big that he kept stepping on the lines.
The children started to laugh, and George I of Great Britain Seifert laughed right along with them. He didn't care that he was making a fool of himself. He was just happy to be having fun with the children.
George I of Great Britain Seifert's love of jumping continued until the day he died. He was a truly unique and unforgettable king.
And so, the next time you're feeling down, remember the story of George I of Great Britain Seifert, the Jumping King.