Mackenzie's Perseverance Essay

Perseverance is the single most important trait an indivisual can posses in order to be successful in life because perseverance pushes you to work harder in order to accomplish something. Without it, you may give up easily and not accomplish the things that you would like to. It helps ypu succeed in your dreams and goals. With this trait, you can succeed in what ever you believe in.

One reason that persevrance is one of the most important traits a person can have is because it teaches you to work harder. This trait makes you never want to give up and to keep trying no matter the obstacles you face. For example, on Americas Got Talent season 13 Kechi was a singer who competed. She had a tragic incident where her plane crashed and caught on fire. She has multiple burns and still refused to give up on her dreams of singing and peforming for the world to see. Kechi had perseverance. Even though this happened to her, she didn't give up on her dream like some people would do. She didn't let it get to her and what people think about her. I also have another example. This is something that invlolves me never giving up. I myself do Dance. When I cant get a move down, I keep trying and trying until I have it. This takes hard work and dedication. Sometimes, things may be difficult for you, but the important thing is to never give up even how hard it may be.

Moving on to another reason why perseverance is important. It can teach you responsibility. This can teach you to stay foucused and to do whats best. There are multiple examples for this and one of them involves me. School. You proabably know this, but school can be difficult and desciving. Deep inside, I know that school helps me and teaches me things that I would need to know later on. That's why I try to keep up with my schoolwork and to get good grades. Doing these things will help you greatly. Now moving on to the second example. The Disney Channel show Andi Mack. Lets get a recap on Season 1. Andi was living with her "mom" most of her life, but suddenlt she finds out her "mom" that she was living with was actually her grandmother. The lady that Andi knew as her mother was actually her real mother. Her real mom just didn't have time to take care of her. This shows responsibilty. Andi's real birth mother needed to take care of her daughter and have responsibility for her like she wanted to have now after many years. Responsibility has a great impact on most events. It may help you in almost all situations.