Inexpensive Gifts for Men

Times are tough and some of us don't have that much money to spend. That doesn't mean that we should stop giving. If you're on a budget then you might like some of these gift suggestions. Each of these gift suggestions are less than $10. Keep in mind that most of these gifts are novelty items for men who have a sense of humor. Some of theme could be found offensive by both women and men. If one gift doesn't suit you then just keep doing down the list. We hope you'll find something on this list. We wish you best of luck and happy holidays!

#10 Inexpensive Gifts for Men: The Control a Woman Remote

This gift suggestion is practically on every gift for men article. The reason being is that men just like the item. The only problem with this gift suggestion is that it does offend some women. If you're feeling offended by now then accept our apology and skip the rest of this suggestion. The control a woman remote has the ability to command any woman at the press of the button. Some of the functions include mute, making you a sandwich, and laundry. Of course the remote is powered specifically by imagination. If you have none then the remote won't work. A cool girlfriend would help too.

#9 Inexpensive Gifts for Men: Instant Excuse Ball

Picture the following scenario in your mind: You're a man watching the big game. Your team is down by four points and is ten yards from the end zone with only ten seconds left on the clock. At this crucial point in the game your wife walks into the room and asks you to take out the trash. Ask yourself man. Would you know what to do when that happens? With the instant excuse ball you'll never have to worry about coming up with an excuse ever again. Don't want to talk to your mom? Go out with your mother in law? Then try some of these excuses. They're guaranteed to get you off the hook.

#8 Inexpensive Gifts for Men: Wall Street Guru Ball

Why not put your entire life savings on the line with the Wall Street Guru Ball. Oh wait we forget you have none. After all you're looking at a list of inexpensive gifts. With this ball you'll always know what to do. It doesn't matter if you're having a hard time deciding if you should close your position, open a position, trim your position, or hedge them. This is the ultimate investment ball. The best part is that this ball doesn't cost half of what a investment adviser would. Why spend thousands of dollars on a mutual fund when you can buy the Wall Street Guru Ball for less than ten bucks.

#7 Inexpensive Gifts for Men: Humorous Apology Note Pad

How often do you and your husband fight? If you answered that question with a lot then it looks like your man needs the humorous apology note pad. The note pad comes with 50 sheets of excuses that can get you off the hook. Some of the excuses include it seemed like a good idea, I was in a foul mood, and I couldn't help myself. All you have to do is write your name, the infraction, and date. This is one of the fun gifts that we were able to find. The best part is that they don't cost you an arm and a leg. With a little imagination you could do a lot with this gift.

#6 Inexpensive Gifts for Men: Yodeling Pickle

His singing is much better than Nickelback, Black Sabbath, and The Clash put together. The Yodeling pick will yodel all of your favorite tunes. When I first bought this gift it was because a friend of mine broke my iPod. Instead of crying about it I bought the Yodeling Pickle. Fortunately he yodels all of my favorite tunes. The only complaint that I've had that it doesn't allow you to plug in head phones. Just in case people around me start to get annoyed with the yodeling. Of course that almost never happens. The yodeling pickle is one of the best gifts of all time gifts for men .

#5 Inexpensive Gifts for Men: Cat-a-Pult

How would you like to be at work and not actually work? Just get paid to do nothing. Except instead of doing nothing you could fling cats across the room and no I don't actually mean real cats. The Cat-A-Pult is the gift that allows you to shoot plastic cats at your friends, co-workers, and enemies. All you have to do is pull the "pult" portion of the toy back. Place your plastic cat on top. Then hit the trigger. The cats will fly a maximum of twenty feet. If cats just don't cut it for you then you can also choose the ninj-a-pult or the pickle-pult. There are probably a lot more themes than that. We just picked a few at random.

#4 Inexpensive Gifts for Men: Sarcastic Ball

Let's face it, when it comes to women men love to be sarcastic. Just take my dad for example. He's a middle aged man that can't get enough of ripping on his wife. Last time I visited him fact I got a whiff of it. My mom said something that my dad replied to with "Gee, is that where they came up with if you can't blind them with brilliance baffle them with bull." If you want to be anything like my dad then you might appreciate this gift. It's called the sarcastic ball and you'll never run out of sarcastic things to say with it. Overall the sarcastic ball is a fun gift.

#3 Inexpensive Gifts for Men: Emergency Underpants

Don't let soiling your underpants ruin your day. With the emergency underpants you'll have a fresh pair of underpants when it counts the most. It's a lot better to be safe then soggy. You might be thinking to yourself my man doesn't need these. Think again miss. If you don't do the laundry then you probably don't get to see all of the skid marks left by your man. When that happens it's better to have a pair of emergency underpants. Out of all the gifts in this article this is actually one of the least expensive gifts we could find.

#2 Inexpensive Gifts for Men: Fart Button

Fart Humor: The cornerstone of a mans sense of humor. If it's not a joke about women then it's a fart joke. With this button your man will be able to easily inform everyone in the room when he's farted. All he has to do is press a big red button. On top of that the fart button also makes tons of fart phrases and sounds. Some of the sounds include 1. Fart... See a doctor would ya 2. Fart... Oops that one burned and 3. Fart... that one kind of slipped out. If you're not a fan of farting then you probably won't like this gift. However men of all types will love it.

#1 Inexpensive Gifts for Men: Whoopee Cushion

For our final gift recommendation we wanted to recommend a classic. This single gift has put a smile of men's faces for years. With the whoopee cushion your man will never run out of laughs. All he has to do is blow it up and put it on a seat. When a victim strolls by they'll unknowingly sit down on the whoopee cushion to be embarrassed by a fart sound. The best part about this gift is that it's cheap. It doesn't have a huge price tag like some gifts.