The Giver Book Project

By: Emily Atkinson and Amelia Simpson 


This is an example of irony. In the Giver, Jonas’

father is the one who cares so it is irony that he

kills babies. But as the quote states, murder

isn’t non-existent, they just don’t know they

are doing it when they do it.



This apple can be used a symbolism.

One half of the apple is grey, symbolizing

color being non-existent in the community.

The red side, shows how Jonas and the

Giver see it, they see things with color.






There is situational irony in the book when

all Jonas talks about in the start of the book

is what will the assignment be what will he

get? Jonas talks all about his number, and you

never expect Jonas’ name to be skipped. So

when his name is not called there is

situational irony and lots a shock at this moment.



Colors symbolizes the difference

between Jonas and all the other

members of the community. Color

is necessary to show Jonas’ difference

between the other members of the




Light color eyes symbolize sameness between

Jonas and Gabriel. In the book, Lily points this out.

Jonas and Gabriel having the same color eyes,

influences Jonas to really emotionally mature

and break ties from the community.


Importance of Individuality

The importance of individuality is big in the Giver. The Community in the Giver strives on sameness. Everyone is the same, everyone receives the same bike at the same time everyone gets their assignment at the same time and everyone trains for that assignment. Also, everyone applies for a spouse and has two kids one boy and one girl. The importance of individuality, is shown in the Giver. This quotes says that “if you walk in the footprints of others, you won’t make any of your own” this is so true because in the Giver if everyone does the same thing with their life, no one is a hero no one is a criminal no one has any identity.



Importance of Memory

The importance of Memory is another important theme in the Giver. There are two quotes one from the Lion King and the other from George Santayana. They both state that not knowing about history and the already made mistakes can haunt you back when you make the same mistake. If you already knew about the mistake, you may not make that mistake again.


The first quote is from the Lion King. I think this is very applicable to the Giver because it says the past can hurt. Just like when Jonas receives painful memories like war. Then it says, you can either run from it, or learn from it. In the Giver, holding the memories from the people won’t benefit them because they may make the mistakes that they made in the past, if they are not aware of them.



The second quote is from George Santayana. In the quote he states that those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it. In the Giver this is so true because the elders don’t want the members to know about history, and make their own choices. For all of the time they hid the memories from them finally it came back and doomed them when Jonas made the decision to escape.


Importance of Freedom

In the Giver, there is no freedom they do what the Elders order them to do. There is no freedom, there are no choices that you get the freedom to make. There is no freedom in the Community whatsoever! This quote shows that, it tells that if you let the people make choices, they may make the wrong one.



The Importance of Emotion

The importance of emotion is very necessary. In a world, where killing an infant and not feeling anything is the right thing is crazy. It is hard to believe not being able to understand death, sadness, joy, love. This quote explains how the citizens not being able to have emotions will not prepare them for when Jonas escapes and they receive all the memories. Sigmund Freud isn’t talking about just the Giver in this quote, but I believe that this could apply to the Giver and how they shove all the emotions away and are basically feelingless. Another quote, which is a Chinese Proverb says “control your emotions, or they will control you” I think this can relate to the Giver because if the community doesn’t let the people have control of their emotions, then one day when they need emotion, they won’t have it and it will control them leading them to do certain things that may affect them in a bad way.

