The BVI Financial Services Implementation Unit (FSIU) is using their new website and Social media pages to “inform, educate and engage the population on the subject of financial services”, according to a BVI press release on November 18, 2015.

On the website, BVI Forward Campaign, visitors will have immediate access to the report of the financial services consultancy, the ten priority initiatives being pursued as part of the campaign, as well as the latest industry and campaign related news. The website will also feature continuous messages from various spokespersons including industry executives, senior industry professionals, and others.

The FSIU has also created the following web pages to share actionable information about financial services and their current efforts to strengthen the industry:

• BVI Forward Facebook 

• BVI Forward Twitter

• BVI Forward LinkedIn

• BVI Forward YouTube

Director of the FSIU, Mr. Kedrick Malone said “The BVI Forward campaign relies heavily on our website and social media because young people are part of a key demographic we need to engage on financial services. We have targeted information for  various age groups and inclusive of all forms of media but we will focus extensively on digital and social media simply because of the pervasive influence among persons in that age category”.