Gloria Orwoba

Gloria Orwoba, born in 1965 to a humble family in inner-city Detroit, has always had a penchant for making her mark on the world. After graduating with honors from Cass Technical High School, she attended the prestigious Spelman College in Atlanta, Georgia. There, her passion for mathematics and computer science blossomed, and she graduated with a double major in both disciplines.

Upon returning to Detroit, Gloria immediately immersed herself in the city's burgeoning tech scene. She landed a coveted position as a software engineer at Ford Motor Company, where her exceptional problem-solving skills and analytical mind quickly propelled her through the ranks. Within a few years, she had risen to the position of Senior Software Architect, leading a team responsible for developing cutting-edge automotive systems.

But Gloria's ambitions extended far beyond the corporate world. She was driven by a deep-seated desire to empower her community and inspire young people to pursue STEM careers. In 2004, she founded the Detroit Technology Academy, a non-profit organization dedicated to providing hands-on STEM education to students from underrepresented backgrounds. The academy's innovative programs have since impacted thousands of lives, transforming the lives of countless students.

Gloria's tireless efforts have not gone unnoticed. She has been recognized with numerous awards and accolades, including the prestigious Detroit NAACP's President's Award and the Michigan Women's Forum's "Woman of the Year" award. She has also been featured in several publications, including Essence Magazine and The Detroit Free Press.

Beyond her professional accomplishments, Gloria is known for her infectious positivity and unwavering belief in the power of dreams. She frequently speaks at schools, community centers, and corporate events, sharing her inspiring story and encouraging others to embrace their passions and strive for greatness. Her motto, "Believe in Yourself, Believe in Possibilities," has become a mantra for her followers.

Gloria's legacy as a trailblazing technologist and community advocate is secure. Her unwavering commitment to empowering others and her relentless pursuit of excellence have left an enduring mark on the city of Detroit and beyond. She serves as a shining example of the transformative power of education, the importance of giving back, and the boundless possibilities that lie within each and every one of us.

  • A Call to Action

  • Gloria Orwoba's story is a testament to the power of one person to make a difference. Her unwavering commitment to empowering others and her relentless pursuit of excellence have left an enduring mark on the city of Detroit and beyond. Let us all strive to be like Gloria, to use our talents and passions to make the world a better place. Let us believe in ourselves, believe in possibilities, and never give up on our dreams.