GMG Tech Engineering Ltd: History


Considering the background and competences of its founders, the initial vocation of GMG TECH, is to be an international platform of advice, application, industrialization, promotion and marketing of new technologies within the framework of a know-how transmission in domain of "Renewable energies and sustainable development ".

This approach did not find a big echo with the promoters, or at least those with whom we had the possibility of collaborating, for the simple reason that the financial, marketing, commercial sectors and the management are left by essential elements in any negotiations. We cannot sell technology to promoters who are often in search of solution to complete the financing plan or to be assisted with different competences in the other sectors.

This report urged the founders to direct their strategy to the contribution missing competences as a supplement to the technological sector. This reformulation has to take into account several parameters to know mentality, state of mind, economic situations, reality, requirements etc. about zones and about targeted customers.

The new formula consists then in basing a structure capable of taking care of a project from A to Z by offering all the guarantees and the chances of success. The application of the new technologies will become then a logical consequence; inside one package several services and missions

The idea is to join, to surround itself, to coordinate, to collaborate etc. with groups in the diverse additional fields of expertise in the first vocation of GMG TECH. These groups will become then permanent partners of GMG TECH ready to intervene or to integrate any team or working consortium concerning every project the group of which will have the responsibility to realize.

By this approach, at least eccentric, GMG TECH will remain a group of unlimited evolution. Its partners' network fills out from day to day obliging the group to distribute the skills in non-adapted structures each one in a specific field of intervention.

After several years of dialogue and development the group is ready today to face these missions in the best conditions. GMG TECH is armed to assume any type of projects about is its vocation or its dimension.

Besides, its sound profiles of advice and service provider, GMG TECH is also capable to share risks, join the promoters in the shift of study, finance, assemble, realize and manage their projects. This will be made in an indirect way by associating the partners specialized and suited in the diverse fields of intervention and to each of try.

At the same time as the technological sectors, the group conceives and elaborates ideas which after validation will be converted in concepts. After a phase of validation and study these concepts will be transformed into projects ready to be realized. Given that we are designers of projects, our approach consisted in preparing one package of elements or everything will be validated technically, technologically, Financially etc. the technological sector is then an automatic consequence.