Go Back to China

The Painful, yet Poignant, Journey of Returning Home

I can still remember the first time I heard the words that would change my life forever: "You need to go back to China."

At the time, I was a young woman living in the United States, pursuing my dream of becoming a writer. But my parents had decided that it was time for me to "get serious" about my life and return to my ancestral homeland to find a "real job."

I was horrified. I had spent my entire life in the US, and I didn't know anyone in China. I didn't speak the language fluently, and I had no idea how I would fit in.

But my parents were firm. They said that it was my duty to return to China and "give back to my country." They reminded me of all the sacrifices they had made so that I could live a better life, and they said that it was time for me to do the same for them.

So, with a heavy heart, I packed my bags and said goodbye to my friends and family in the United States. I arrived in China a few weeks later, feeling like a complete stranger in my own country.

The first few months were incredibly difficult. I struggled to communicate with people, and I found myself feeling isolated and alone. But gradually, I started to meet people who were kind and welcoming, and I slowly began to feel like I belonged.

I got a job as a writer for a local magazine, and I made some good friends. I started to learn more about Chinese culture and history, and I began to understand why my parents had insisted that I return to my home country.

As my understanding of China grew, so too did my love for it. I realized that my country was not perfect, but it was my country, and I was proud to be a part of it.

Eventually, my parents visited me in China. They were amazed at how much I had changed, and they were proud of the person I had become. They finally understood that I had made the right decision to return to China, even though it had been difficult at first.

My journey back to China was not an easy one, but it was a valuable one. I learned a lot about myself, my family, and my country. And I wouldn't trade it for anything.

If you are considering returning to your home country, I encourage you to do so. It may not be easy, but it will be an unforgettable experience.