Golden Bachelor split

"He's finally ditched his commitment to the single life:"
A bombshell to the divorce world.
Golden bachelor, James Dash, has split from his beloved Mercedes convertible. After over a decade of joyous courting, the pair were believed to be an unbreakable duo. Weeping witnesses recount how James, with heavy eyes and shaking hands, dropped the key into the hands of a stranger. He snatched up his favorite sweater and crisp new hat while muttering something that sounded like "new beginnings."
A source close to the matter revealed:
"James and his Mercedes had an undeniable bond. They took countless road trips and cruises along the coast. They were the picture of bliss! But after 12 years, it seems their adventure has come to a screeching halt. James is choosing a life of independence."
James, known for his charm and adventurous spirit, has always been a sought-after bachelor. His dashing good looks and infectious laughter have won him admirers from all corners of the city. But despite his many options, he remained loyal to his ride.
Our insider added with a slightly mocking tone:
"James was so devoted to his car that there were rumors he'd even taken it to couples therapy to work on 'trust issues.' But alas, it seems that even vehicular relationships have their ups and downs."
A glimmer of sentimentality shone through our source's words:
"I can't help but feel a twinge of sadness. They were such an iconic pair. But who knows what the future holds? Maybe James will find a new love that fuels his every journey."
Is it me or is it getting a little sentimental in here?
As we bid farewell to this golden duo, we can't help but wonder what the future holds for both James and his former automotive soulmate. Will James find a new companion who shares his thirst for adventure? Or will he embrace a solo journey, cherishing the memories of his past love? Only time will tell.
In the meantime, we salute James for his bravery and wish him all the best in his new chapter.
And who knows? Maybe one day, we'll see him cruising down the highway in a new convertible, embracing the freedom that comes with a fresh start. So raise a glass, dear readers, to James and his Mercedes. May their respective journeys be filled with happiness, new adventures, and maybe even a sprinkle of nostalgic smiles.