SkyTrak vs Optishot: Which One Should I Buy?

The game of golf is a journey that we are all on and that many of us love to play.  The challenges both physically and mentally to take our game to the next level and shoot our best  golf simulator optishot 2 possible scores is exhilarating. There are ups and down and moments when we think we have it and moments when we walk away frustrated!I was able to build my own access to playing golf 365 days while living in the midwest part of the United States by building a golf simulator in my garage. After many months of research I finally made the commitment and 700 rounds later I can say that it is one of the most amazing purchases of my life!

One of the questions I had to answer was SkyTrak vs Optishot and which one I should buy.  What are the pros and cons of each option and what was I looking for in my golf simulator experience.I break it down for you below with many of the topics and frequently asked questions when comparing the SkyTrak and the Optishot.Goals of Purchasing A Golf Launch Monitor

In most things we do in life, we should start with the why!   The why will drive a great deal of the decisions.  My specific why was because I wanted the opportunity to play golf 365 days a year.  Living in a part of the United States where winter runs December thru March, I didn’t want to go 4 months without playing golf.  

As a kid, I often dreamed of having a golf simulator and being able to play on those cold, snowy days! I also wanted to get better.  Some of those early season rounds or late seasons rounds were a struggle because you don’t get to play as often as in the heart of the season.  I can now play quality rounds in April or November and have my ball striking be spot on.I answered my why, set my budget, completed all my research and have benefited from having a golf simulator build in my garage!

Here are some questions to consider:
What is your main why for getting a golf simulator?  Are you looking for quality data and analytics to work on your swing.  Or are you looking for a way to swing the club and have some fun 365 days a year?
What is your budget? Do you have around 5-7 thousand dollars to spend or do you need to stay in the 500-2000 dollar range?
What courses do you want to be able to play?