GPR Surveyors

Reasons Why GPR Surveyors Are Worth Hiring


Are you about to build a home or any project that requires excavation in a newly bought property? Then, you will want to consider hiring some Ground Penetrating Radar or GPR surveyors. Why? This company will make sure the cost of your project does not increase because of accidentally getting pipes. This can also lead to more work, which is expensive. Learn more about the benefits of hiring a GPR surveyor by reading this article further.


Detect bedrock, water table, or stratification of the ground

If you will install a private well or mine another resource, you will want to employ GPR surveyors to do the mapping. Underground aquifers can be determined through gridded scans, provided the natural environment is compatible with geophysical mapping techniques.

Before the modern non-destructive mapping tools, such as the GPR utility survey, experts used more traditional methods, such as drilling or digging, to find the depth of the bedrock layer beneath the surface. These methods are expensive and intrusive to the land whilst only focusing on test hole areas. Although drilling and excavating are still the most regularly used methods to investigate the subsurface, they have limitations. Geophysical mapping, in comparison, is less time consuming and can give coverage of a much larger area than could be done by one drill crew in the same period. As a result, geophysical equipment in construction operations has become even more prevalent since the turn of the decade. Cooperation with environmental and engineering companies on the same project allows for a multitude of subsurface data to be assessed. When the geophysical data is compared and combined with geotechnical samples, one can create an even more detailed subsurface model.


Find lost graves

GPR surveys UK experts can also locate those known marked, unmarked, and lost graves in cemeteries. Some cemeteries are hundreds of years old, and unmarked graves can be common. Misplaced or poorly located headstones or markers can further complicate matters. Moreover, records are often vague, lost, destroyed, or incomplete, and there may be questions about the precise extent. There is often no surface expression of the burial location, and graves become lost.

It’s difficult to explore the subsurface without disturbing the soil and burials. To make it happen, a non-destructive way, such as the GPR utility survey, is being used to detect the graves. During the grave detection survey, GPR surveyors will mark the location of detected graves on the ground with a paint line down the centre axis of the grave for the length of the grave. GPR cemetery surveys are non-intrusive and ideal for locating cemeteries and for unmarked grave detection. The surveyors will use radar to find the graves. They will find out if the grave is in wood, metal, and so on.


Detect hidden crypts and vaults

There are many studies involving GPR to conduct surveys on historical floors in old churches. However, before surveying, people like the GPR surveys UK experts must check the technical building’s state assessment. Their goal is to use GPR to find underfloor air gaps and other historical items underground. For example, they can find rubble, human remains, brick walls and pipes. GPR is particularly useful to conduct surveys on large areas because it allows handling a large amount of data in a reasonable amount of time. In other studies, the GPR method was proven effective in imaging reinforcement bars, cracks, defects in the form of air voids, delamination, and moisture or systems applied for concrete strengthening.

At some point, you will make mistakes, intentional or not. Some mistakes are not worth it. For example, if you hit a gas pipe without knowing, you will have to pay for fixing it. In this article, you have learned the most important reasons why it’s worth hiring GPR surveyors. So, if you want to experience these benefits, then talk to the best professional in your area.