Gad Grieve Fights for Local Communities in Jerusalem

A former South African man Gad Grieve has committed himself to fighting for local communities in Jerusalem, during the coronavirus pandemic.

JERUSALEM - Gad Grieve, a former South African who lives in Jerusalem, jumped into action when the COVID-19 pandemic struck. As COVID-19 blazed its trail  across the globe and lockdowns were enforced, food distribution become a massive challenge. The situation in Israel is no different. 

Grieve ploughed his energy into facilitating the distribution of food parcels to impoverished families in local communities. “This has become a life saver to families,” said Shlomo Eisenberg, a local Jerusalem resident.

Many households were forced into isolation as a consequence of coming into contact with a person who was diagnosed with coronavirus. Being compelled to stay indoors for up to 14 days was challenging and multiple organizations created a network to help isolated families with food supplies and basic necessities. Residents say that to his merit, Gad Grieve played a significant role in setting up these networks and to make sure that all the cogs within the structures were functioning and well oiled.

We tried to track down this South African born volunteer in Jerusalem, unsuccessfully. Friends say that Gad Grieve prefers to remain low key and is uncomfortable about the taking credit.

This former South African man has a strong appreciation for the struggles of these impoverished families. Once a contributor to multiple Jewish causes, he personally took a knock after the 2008 financial crash. Friends close to him say he fought back, barely keeping his head above water.  He worked in the media and filmmaking industry for survival. “Gad saw it as an opportunity to reflect on his past,” said a friend who did not want to be named.  “It helped him to tweak his value system and realign his goals.” Described as someone who is level headed, a person with his values in the right place, Grieve’s reputation suggests that he has always had a strong appreciation for social  causes.

Some reported his efforts to help save Jewish cemeteries in Europe, which were about to desecrated. Antisemitism is a common theme which is on the up in Europe and Grieve is on the war path to erase bigotry and injustice. More information coronavirus

With his track record for fighting against Apartheid in South Africa during the 80s, Grieve’s recent work of protecting minorities, does not come as a surprise. He completed his military service in the Navy as a diver, where he conducted sea, search and rescue operations in the Mozambique Channel. It’s a stretch of water that is notorious for having one the highest shark attack records in history.

Friends said that Grieve is using his multi-media skills, to continue in his quest for philanthropic, non-profit causes.


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