Graphic design Manchester UK companies uses psychology to create better designs

It is really hard to determine how a human brain would react. It needs a lot of experience and experiments to make a wild guess. The graphic design Manchester UK companies have the experience to use the psychology to increase the appeal of the design.

Many options

For long, providing many options is considered as a good sign. However, the graphic design Manchester UK companies point out to the studies that show that the people would get demotivated when there are a lot of options to pick from. Thus, it is not essential to add all your services and the choices you provide for the customers in one page.

Text width

This is a paradoxical situation. People can read longer text width easily, but, prefers to see small width. It is better to have an optimal solution for it. People do not like to read a lot. Using pictures and small graphics instead of words would do great.

Image is not the first priority

Ironically, the pictures are not the one that goes first in the readers’ mind. It is the heading. Basically, the human brain moves to the largest element in the page. That is why the ‘join now’ and ‘buy now’ buttons should be of larger size than other buttons. Large text gathers more attention than large images.

Line of sight

The moment a person sees a design, he would not view it from left to right or top to bottom. The line of sight follows a particular criterion. The eye goes to the largest picture or text, then it would move to the brightest color and then to the other pictures in the page. The small texts would be the last one. Thus, the graphic design Manchester UK companies use big images to explain the core idea of the page.


Colors have certain psychological power. Red increases the appetite, blue increases the healing power, pink makes it look more feminine etc. Choosing a color has no definite rules. Even if you use yellow as a base color for your restaurant website and poster design, it would be appealing. The same goes for color combinations too. You can make all weird combinations and end up with a beautiful pattern, if you are good with colors. However, graphic design Manchester UK companies state that certain colors would increase the appeal of the product to the customer. For instance, if you want to explain that a magazine is for women, the smartest way is to use pink as a base color. If you want to make your design look formal, use white and blue.

These are a few tips which are provided by the graphic design Manchester UK companies. There is a lot more when it comes to psychology and it is always better to leave it in the hands of the experts.

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