Gray whales Nantucket

Have you ever seen a gray whale up close? If not, now's your chance! Gray whales are migrating through Nantucket waters right now, and they're putting on quite a show.

Gray whales are one of the largest whales in the world, reaching up to 50 feet in length and weighing up to 30 tons. They're known for their distinctive gray coloration and their long, baleen plates, which they use to filter food out of the water.

Gray whales are also known for their playful behavior. They're often seen breaching, spyhopping, and lobtailing. They're also very curious creatures, and they're not afraid to come close to boats.

If you're lucky, you might even see a gray whale calf. Calves are born in the warm waters of Mexico, and they migrate with their mothers to the feeding grounds in Alaska. Calves are very playful, and they're often seen swimming alongside their mothers.

Gray whales are an amazing sight to behold. If you're in Nantucket this summer, be sure to take a whale watching tour. You won't be disappointed!