Greta Price-Martin: A Personal Journey

My first memories of being trans were when I was very young. I remember wishing to be called by a male name and being drawn to playing with boys' toys. As I got older, I continued to feel like I was not in the right body and that I was meant to be a boy. Some of my earliest memories are of playing with dolls and dressing up in my sister's clothes. I always felt different from the other kids and like I didn't fit in. I bullied because I was different and my parents didn't know how to help me.
Coming out as transgender is not an easy thing to do. It can be scary and stressful to tell people something so personal about yourself. But for me, it was the best decision I ever made. I was finally able to be myself and live authentically.
Since coming out, I have faced some challenges. People misgender me and make negative comments about my appearance. But I have also found a lot of support from my friends, family, and community.
I am now a successful entrepreneur and public speaker. I use my platform to talk about transgender issues and to help other people who are struggling with their gender identity.
I am proud to be trans and I would not change a thing about myself. Being trans is a part of who I am, and I am grateful for the journey that led me to where I am today.