GST Billing and small business


Business is an act of exchange of goods and services that takes place for consideration. The consideration is the amount paid by the buyer to the seller which is equivalent to the value of goods and services.

The consideration, however, constitutes the most important part of the government revenue system known as

Goods and Service Tax.

It is the rate of tax implied on the final value of goods and is included in the bill amount. So, the final invoice generated by the seller after the goods or services are taken by the buyer contains the value of goods/services and GST.


But is it not difficult to ask for GST from customers?

Yes, indeed it is very difficult. Instead of worldwide acceptance of the GST, people still oppose it and refuse to pay the same. The vicious circle comes into being when the final customer refuses to pay the GST, the retailer refuses to pay to the manufacturer and he then opposes to pay to the producer.

The whole GST system, aiming to bring about transparency and compliance in the government taxation system comes to the stake.

The Best Alternative

The best alternative to this problem is, issuing the bills with the GST Billing Software. Such software is compliant with GST norms and helps you issue the GST bills with all the basic information required digitally.such a digital transformation, helps you issue bills inclusive of the GST tax, and once issued the customer has to pay the same. One such software helping people digital transform is CATSBILL, a lifetime free GST billing software catering to all your GST needs. Register now