What to Know About California's Head-Turning Gun Control Law

The alarming rate at which we are seeing mass shootings across the country have propelled law makers and enforcers to rethink about the loopholes that let people with ill-intent get their hands on assault weapons so easily.

The rise in hate crimes against people of color, race and religion have also been a major cause of violence that need focused, immediate and problem-resolving attention towards  gun control measures. One of the states that takes the peace and safety of its citizens the most seriously among all the states is California and it has always been a benchmark for other states when it comes to new rules and laws regarding gun control.

We all have seen the impact of California’s stringent laws with changes in gun manufacturing resulting in California shotguns and many other assault weapons being modified accordingly.

Due to this reason a Californian has a 25% less chance of getting brutally killed in a mass shooting in comparison to the citizens of other states. The credit is given to the timely action against gun crimes and understanding what it can lead to in future making bold and head turning laws and decisions which were and are often reprimanded and opposed heavily by gun lovers and advocates of the Second Amendment.

Having said that, California is deaf to all this outside noise and is busy altering gun laws to ensure there aren’t any loopholes in the system that allows bad people to get hold of a gun easily.

A Little Recap of the Already Existing California Gun Laws

California has always made headlines and turned heads when it comes to imposing new and strict gun laws. This time as well, the new gun laws have caused quite a stir in the general public with people both supportive and against the fresh restrictions.

In order to better understand the new laws, we first need a quick run down on the already existing gun laws to compare and understand the impact of the new laws.

To start with, the very basic laws already being implemented and exercised in California include the permit issued to all adults of age 21 or above to be legally eligible to acquire a gun. In some cases a gun can be sold or transferred to a person who is under the age of 21 but he/she does have to be over the age of 18.

People that have already committed a felony, are addicted to substances, have been reported with misdemeanor, have mental illness or have a restraining order against them cannot sell, buy or transfer a gun.

Furthermore a Firearm Safety Certificate is required for every person wanting to be a gun owner. Through and extensive background checks are required when buying or selling any firearm by federal officers. There are also extensive rules regarding the transporting and storing of the purchased firearms.

You can’t just carry a loaded weapon everywhere just because you have purchased it, nor can you conceal carry it. Proper storage of the firearms is also deeply emphasized as it can come in contact with someone not eligible for its use.

New California Gun Laws 2022

Governor Gavin Newsom has been making quite some head-turning and eye-popping firearm rules and imposing fresh new restrictions that can change the way we look at guns forever.

These fresh restrictions are quite widespread, covering almost every loophole that can over time become dangerous or can be manipulated to be something bigger and worse. The new gun restrictions include limitations of advertising guns to minors, doing extensive background checks of not only the buyers but also of the gun dealers and online stores.A decade long ban on all the people convicted for child abuse or abuse of any person.

But the gun law that is turning the most heads and has literally caused a stir is the ability and power given to the Californians to sue anyone who is seen or caught distributing any assault weapons or ghost guns.

Not just the assault weapons, but illegal semi-automatic weapons, parts that can be assembled to create one, weapons with no serial number aka ghost guns or any .50 caliber guns. The incentive given is a whopping $10000 per weapon! Furthermore, you can also sue anyone selling any of these weapons to a person under the age of 21!

The whole idea of this new set of gun laws is to be awarded to the Texas law of allowing the citizens to sue anyone who is involved in an abortion.


The gun laws are getting harder and harder to breach so if you’re a gun lover with your heart at the right place, I suggest you opt for California legal handguns and California shotguns to stay out of any legal trouble!