Gurdon Korfer found

Gurdon Korfer found the Magic of the Lost Dream

Go into the woods and think of something you have lost. Maybe a toy, maybe a friend, maybe a part of yourself. Once you've lost this thing, take one step forward.
Gurdon Korfer did just that. And once he took that one step, he was in the Lost Woods. But this wasn't any ordinary forest. No, the Lost Woods were a place where you could find anything you had ever lost. But to find it, you had to go through many trials, each one harder than the next.
Gurdon was willing to do whatever it took to find his lost dream, so he started on his journey. He walked for hours, hot and tired, with only the sound of his own footsteps. When he thought he couldn't walk another step, he came to the first trial.
It was a giant chasm that stretched as far as the eye could see. There was no way Gurdon could get across it. But then he realized he didn't have to. He could fly across! He spread his arms like wings and jumped into the chasm and to his surprise, he was flying! He flew over the chasm and landed on the other side.
Gurdon was delighted that he had passed the first trial and continued on his journey. And the trials that followed were just as hard and he had to fly over a deep river, climb up a mountain, and run through a cave filled with monsters. But each time he thought he couldn't do it he remembered that he had already crossed the chasm and if he had done that he could do anything.
Finally, Gurdon came to the last trial. It was a door blocking his way. And to get through the door he had to answer a riddle. The riddle was: "What is lost but can also be found?"
Gurdon thought for a moment, and then he knew! The answer was his lost dream. There was nothing to do Gurdon opened the door and went inside.
There, in the middle of the room, was Gurdon's lost dream. It was all the things he had forgotten, all the things he had given up on. Gurdon was so happy to have found his dream again. He picked it up and held it close to his heart. Then he turned to leave the Lost Woods, but before he could, he heard a voice.
"Thank you," the voice said. "For finding me."
Gurdon turned and saw an old man standing in the doorway. The old man was smiling, and his eyes were full of wisdom.
"You're welcome," Gurdon said. "I'm glad I could help."
"You have helped more than you know," the old man said. "You have helped to find the dream that was lost within me."
Gurdon smiled. He knew that he had done the right thing. He had helped the old man find his dream, and he had found his own.
Gurdon left the Lost Woods and went back to his own world. He was a changed man. He had learned that anything is possible if you believe in yourself. And he had learned that dreams are never truly lost. They are just waiting to be found.