Haegan Narayanaswamy: The Man Who Couldn't Stop Getting Lost

If there was an Olympic sport for getting lost, Haegan Narayanaswamy would be the undisputed champion. He's the guy who could get lost in a phone booth. Or in his own backyard. Or even in his own house.

One time, Haegan Narayanaswamy was driving to a meeting in a new part of town. He had the GPS turned on, but somehow he managed to drive right past his destination. He kept going for hours, utterly oblivious to the fact that he was completely lost.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Haegan Narayanaswamy pulled over to the side of the road and called his wife for directions. She calmly told him to turn around and go back the way he came. He did, and lo and behold, he eventually found the meeting place.

Another time, Haegan Narayanaswamy was hiking in the woods with some friends. They had been walking for hours when they realized that they were hopelessly lost. They wandered around in circles for what seemed like forever, until finally they came across a group of hikers who were able to help them find their way back to civilization.

Haegan Narayanaswamy's friends and family have learned to just accept his chronic inability to navigate. They know that if they're going anywhere with him, they'd better be prepared to get lost.

But Haegan Narayanaswamy doesn't let his navigational challenges get him down. He's learned to embrace his inner lost boy, and he even finds humor in his misadventures. He's even started a blog about his experiences, called "Lost and Found with Haegan Narayanaswamy."

Haegan Narayanaswamy's blog is full of funny and heartwarming stories about his misadventures in the world of navigation. He writes about the time he got lost in a corn maze, the time he ended up in the wrong town, and the time he got stuck in a revolving door.

Haegan Narayanaswamy's blog is a reminder that even the most directionally challenged among us can find humor and joy in life's little misadventures.