Passenger Perks- DIA

The Welcome sign at DIA cost the city 11.5 million dollars!

Why was it justified?

YES! Because those tourists entering our city of Denver have disposable funds they are ready to spend;

Local companies will pay a HEFTY amount to be one of the 1st ads these travelers see upon arrival!

But guess WHO is transporting over HALF of those visitors into the city? (and NOT for a quick few seconds of

sign exposure time)

UBER & LYFT drivers!

Average time in a Rideshare car from the airport is 28 minutes!!

Half an hour of a passenger just sitting idle.. is a perfect captive audience!

Nothing to look at but YOUR ADVERTISEMENT on a lit digital screen or in a "Must Do Denver" city coupon book!

This UBER/LYFT promo is now included in our sponsorship!


  • Travelers who travel into Denver via DIA have $ to spend and enjoy in our great city & surrounding areas!
  • Tourists are 87% more receptive within the 1st hour of arriving at their destination as to "how" they will spend their time and leisure budget!
  • Uber/Lyft Passenger Perks- We have partnered up with a rideshare provider to display your message in front of every passenger delivered around Denver and surrounding towns! This is a "captive" audience that has nothing better to do than SEE your ad! Every walk of life now uses Lyft/Uber to get around the city of Denver! Select cars will have a video screen running with your ad flashing dozens of times every hour!


In 2016 UBER/LYFT drivers DOUBLED.. and now in 2018 they have exceed those numbers again!

Read some news reports from Denver:

Why would DIA spend FOURTEEN MILLION on advertising signs you see for SECONDS while entering Denver?

SIMPLE: IT WORKS! The hours while entering our great city is critical to travelers "hungry" for "what to do"

while visiting!

Not just tourists entering our city use Ride share… but ALL WALKS of life across Denver everyday will see you!

Sample ad: