Hannah Berner: From Reality TV to Role Model

Ever since I first appeared on Summer House, people have been asking me what it's like to be a reality TV star. My answer is always the same: it's a wild ride. But it's also a lot more than just drama and drunken hookups. It's a chance to share your life with the world, and to connect with people who you might never otherwise have met.

I've been through a lot in my life, and I've shared it all on TV. I've been through heartbreak, I've been through addiction, and I've been through therapy. I've also been through some amazing moments, like falling in love and getting engaged. I've shared all of these experiences with the world, and it's been incredibly cathartic.

But it's not just about me. I've also had the opportunity to use my platform to help others. I've spoken out about mental health, addiction, and body image. I've also worked with organizations that support these causes. I'm so grateful for the opportunity to use my voice to make a difference in the world.

I know that reality TV isn't for everyone. But for me, it's been an incredible journey. I've grown as a person, I've helped others, and I've made lifelong friends. If you're thinking about joining the cast of a reality show, I say go for it. Just be prepared for the wild ride of your life.

Here are a few tips for anyone who's thinking about joining a reality show:

  • Be yourself. Reality TV is all about being real, so don't try to be someone you're not. The audience will see right through it.
  • Be prepared to share your life with the world. Reality TV is a very public affair, so be prepared to share your most personal moments with the world.
  • Be prepared for the backlash. Not everyone is going to like you or agree with you, so be prepared for the backlash. It's all part of the territory.
  • Have fun! Reality TV is a lot of work, but it's also a lot of fun. Enjoy the experience and make the most of it.